Chapter 39

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"Hey Jake I was wondering if we could have a small meeting, just to catch up, see how everything's been going." I say over the phone.
"That sounds good, I feel like I haven't properly met you one on one. When suits you?"His voice was more chirpy than usual.
"I was thinking this afternoon after work? Say 4:30 at the cafe?" I look at the time and it's 2:45pm now.
"Perfect, I look forward to it." His voice had a subtle hint of... I don't even know. But it was weird.
"I'll see you soon then." I said before hanging up.

I message Ryan to update him, but I know they're on a flight right now so he won't get it for a while.
Me: Hey, just letting you know I've organised a meeting with Jake for 4:30 pm today.

I go upstairs take a shower and get myself ready for the meeting. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I feel like I'm missing something with him and I can't shake it. I almost rehearse what I'm going to say when I sit down with him. Nothing sounds right, I don't want to come of aggressive or like I'm accusing him... God this is going to be harder than I thought.
I finish my shower, apply my usual makeup, throw my hair into a ponytail, and put on a pair of black skinny jeans, one of Chris' band shirts he left, some boots and a leather jacket. I put my ring on and head downstairs. I check the time, it's 4pm now. I head into the cafe and help close up. Hoping that once it's all done I can get this over with.

The drive there was quick but also felt like a never ending trip. I pull up into the car park, the cafe is quiet, I can see all four of them in there cleaning. I take a deep breath and go inside. All four of them look up and smile.
By the time it was 4:30pm, the cafe was closed, quiet and empty, Danielle, Logan and Crystal have all gone home. I finish the till count and then call Jake to join me at a table.

"So what'd ya want to talk about boss?" He asks calmly, taking a seat. "Well I just wanted to check in, how's everything been going?" I say trying to sound confident. Which for some reason was hard to do in front of him.
"It's great, I love it here." He smiles. "Good to hear, and how have the others been with you?"
"Again, it's great. Like a little family here." His smile turned slightly a little more... Forced.
"Good... Good. So the reason why I asked to meet with you also was..." I took a deep breath. "I have been told there has been something going on with you and the girls, and I just want to clear that up. What's your side of the story?" I felt like I was holding my breath.
"Nothings going on. Crystal was leading me on and like I did with you, I took my chance." He said so Cooley.
Wait what?
I looked him in the eye and his whole face had changed. It was like something had snapped. I felt my brain turning wheels and gears. Then.
"You?" I ask feeling all sorts of emotions running through me. Fear being the dominant one.
He grabbed my arm sharply and held it against the table.
"Of course it was me. The way you looked at me the first time we met, you totally wanted me. Aren't you glad I made the first move?" He chuckles. "Pl-please let go of me." I stutter.
"What you're not scared of me are you? Come on baby. It's me..." he said standing up and coming closer to me. I took this chance to pull my arm away from him and try for the door. "You shouldn't have done that." He growls grabbing me by my hair and pulling me to the ground. "Please don't! I'm pregnant!!" I cry out. "I know... let's see if we can make a sibling for it huh?" He smiled before dragging me by my hair into my office. "Now I'm going to go and lock those doors. Stay here, do not move or I'll make it worse for you bitch." He said before kicking me in the head, hard.
Within moments he was back. He picked me up and threw me over my desk. I tried to fight him off me but all I received was another's blow to the head. I felt dizzy.
"Please... Please I won't tell anyone. Please don't do this." I beg, not being able to see through my tears. "Shut up slut." Another hit to the side of my face. He turned me around and bent me of the desk. I felt my jeans being pulled off me, "please no!!" That was met with his hand shoving my head into the desk and holding it there.

I felt him, he was inside of me and I couldn't do anything about it, i tried to block it out, tried to ignore the pain and let some kind of darkness take over. But I felt it all. I heard it all. He got harder and faster. My bump was slammed against the desk over and over. All I could think about was my baby. I didn't care about me, I just wanted my baby to be safe.
After a while he was finished. He threw me onto the ground, I felt my head crack on the tiles. I couldn't say or do anything, I just lay there. "On second thought. That baby wasn't mine so..." I heard him mumble before I felt sharp, hard kicks to my stomach. I cried out begging him to stop. It felt like it was going on for eternity.
I finally felt my world going dark. I couldn't feel anything anymore...


I came to, hearing a banging on the door. I called out for help. I couldn't move, my whole body felt destroyed. A few minutes later there was a smash on my window and soon enough and old looking man came in to where I was calling from. "Katy? I'm Ryan's uncle Robert." He said kneeling down next to me. "Please... My baby... Help me!" Is all I could get out before I felt darkness overcome me again.

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