Chapter 6: I'm A Girl

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I met Benji in the park, which freaked me out. I hated being outside alone, especially when it was dark. I struggled to find him and could barely see a thing. I finally saw him wave toward me and stand up from the bench he was sitting on.

I walked toward him and shoved my hands in my pockets, seeking warmth. "Hey, B, how are you?" He would always ask me that even if he just saw me. It was definitely a habit he picked up from Steven and Emily.

"I'm good," I said skeptically. "And you...?" I was curious why he seemed to be in such a better mood than when he was at dinner a few hours ago.

"Fucking fantastic." He grinned. "I have some news."

"Consider me intruiged." I really, really was.

We sat down and I was eager to find out what his news was. "After you went home, I got into a huge argument with my dad. And I mean, huge. It was awful. I was just sitting there, getting over my hangover and he was just shouting and spitting on me, right? We came to a conclusion that my moving out has a condition." 

I raised an eyebrow. "Condition? I thought he kicked you out."

"B, don't you get it? I wanted him to kick me out. I've been wanting it for years. He's always said I had to live at home throughout college so I figured the only way out was making him want me gone." He explained. 

"So is that why you got drunk today?" I asked to confirm. 

He shook his head. "That's why I've been getting drunk, Brandy. For all these years, that's why I've been such a nightmare of a son. I've been waiting for this moment my whole life, B." 

"Okay..." I took a moment to collect my thoughts. "So what did your dad say after I left?"

"He said he was worried about me living on my own. He thinks I'm irresponsible and stupid and I'll burn my building down-- and hey, who the hell can blame him?" He smirked. "It took a lot of convincing and lying to make him think that moving out will help me grow as an adult." He laughed. "He still wasn't buying it. He said I needed a responsible adult with me at all times--someone to keep me on my toes." 

"Then what?" I was hooked on this story.

"I told him that there was someone that they trusted and liked and is a good influence on me. Someone they know and love." He raised his eyebrows. "The perfect roommate."

I sat there, completely oblivious. "Who?" I smiled.

He chuckled, surprised at how stupid I was. "I can't believe you have one of the highest GPAs at your school, B."

"You." He smiled. "You, Brandy." 

I was caught completely off guard and speechless. "Benji..." I took a deep breath. "I have a feeling I know what you're saying, but just say it. Please just say it."  

"Move in with me, B." He suggested eagerly. "I need you there. If you don't move in with me, I'll be stuck at Steven and Emily's forever." 

I shook my head repeatedly. "My dad." I reminded him. "He would never let me."

"Why not?" He asked. "My parents are happy with it. Nah, they're fucking thrilled with it. When I suggested you, my mom was over the moon. She loves you. They love you." He smiled. 

"They aren't worried?" I asked.

"About?" He seemed to forget that not all parents are as dazed and confused as his.

"I don't know." I felt awkward that I had to explain that perhaps his parents would be worried if we would hook up. "I'm a girl." I reminded him because he had seemed to forget.   

"Don't worry, Brand. They know how platonic we are." Damn, that hurt. "They aren't concerned. We've been best friends for years, right?" His eyes met mine and kept me hooked on his. "Right?" He continued to stare at me like he was waiting for an answer.  

"I.." I couldn't even reply. "Well, my dad might not feel the same way, Ben," I informed him. "He won't exactly be thrilled with the idea of me living alone with you." 

My heart was racing at a hundred miles a minute, and I wasn't even sure what to think. A part of me really wanted to move in with Benji, but another--a much bigger part of me was terrified of it. I was worried about what I might do if I was around Benji 24/7. I saw him all the time but never had I ever spent a night with him, and living with him would mean spending every single night with him. 

I kept coming up with excuses to say no because I really wanted to know how much this meant to him--how much I meant to him. Maybe that's manipulative or narcissistic but maybe not. If I was going to do him this favour, I needed to know what it meant for him.  

"Come on, B." He once again insisted, then grabbing my hands with his. I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline and wanted to lean in and kiss his stupid, yet beautiful face.

I said to myself... Oh gosh, what is wrong with me? This is Benji, Brandy. You can't ever tell him how you feel, it would ruin everything.  

"I don't know, Benj," I told him, and I could feel my cheeks turn red. "I have a plan, remember? To continue living at home with my dad. He would be so upset, and that's if he even allows me to move in with you."

"You're eighteen," he reminded me. "You are in charge of your own decisions, not your dad. It would so so much fun living with you. You're my best friend." He always knew the right thing to say. Even if Benji didn't see me in that way, he would still flirt with me because that's what he was best at. I hated him for it. 

I stared into his eyes before quickly looking away and laughing, my hands still wrapped in his. He laughed too, hoping I would agree to live with him. "I'll ask my dad." I finally gave in. "I promise I'll see what he says."

"You are the fucking best, did you know that?" He smiled and gripped my hands tighter, causing me to smile even more. "Make sure to mention to him you'll be living a ten-minute walk from NYU." He added.

My eyes popped out of my head. "You're kidding," I said, unbelieving of how wonderful and convenient that sounded. I have been transiting and walking long distances to school for years.  

He shook his head. "Coincidentally, my dad owns this apartment building right by NYU. There's an empty apartment and he's giving it to me."

This made it all the better. If I lived at home throughout college, the commute would take roughly an hour. A ten-minute walk from school truly sounded blissful. I wasn't even sure what to think about all this. This whole truly took me by surprise.

First, I received my acceptance letter from NYU; second, Benji got kicked out of his house; third, and finally, Benji asks me to move in with him.  

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