Chapter 1

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y/n = your name

h/c = your hair color

e/c= your eye color

f/n= friend's name


You started the day like any other school day.

You woke up, used the bathroom, got changed into your uniform, brushed your teeth, did your hair, and went downstairs. You greeted your mom and siblings and sat down for breakfast.

Sometimes days like this were not nearly so calm, but today was an exception. You had gotten a good night's sleep and woke up feeling somewhat refreshed, and you woke up before your alarm went off, so you had the time to spare.

Your mom brought you a plate of toast and you started munching on it. You may have felt a little more refreshed than usual today, but you were still pretty tired, so you didn't talk a lot. As soon as you finished the first piece, you stuffed the other in your mouth and grabbed your bento from the counter.

"You're not gonna stay from the rest of breakfast? We can walk together." Your older brother, Kazue, asked.

"Nah, I'm gonna get to school early. Besides, Karasuno is out of the way to Ami and your schools." You replied, taking the piece of toast out of your mouth to respond after swinging your backpack over your shoulder.

"I don't even need anyone to walk me! I'm 12 I can walk by myself!" Your little sister, Ami, retorted.

"Oh c'mon Ami, you don't wanna walk with your super awesome big brother?" Kazue laughed as he ruffled Ami's almost shoulder-length h/c hair, messing it up while she gave him a death glare.

"Ami your brother is walking you and that's final." Your mom told Ami. "If anything happened to you I would be heartbroken."

"What about y/n? Aren't you worried about her too?" Ami whined back.

"Of course I'm worried about her. But Karasuno is close, and your middle school is on the way to Kazue's high school." Your mom explained to Ami for the millionth time.

By now you had put your shoes on and opened the door. "Bye, mom! Cya later guys!" You yelled farewell as you closed the door and walked down the front steps of the house, eating your toast as you walked to Karasuno High School.

You were a first-year at Karasuno high, you had been going for a few months now. Your older brother, Kazue, was a third-year in high school, and your little sister, Ami, a second-year in middle school.

Kazue was always the cool older brother, his blonde hair and green eyes made him popular in school, especially among the girls, which always annoyed you to no end. He was always protective of you and Am and helped you with your homework last year, but this year he'd been too swamped with his own. He never knew how to respect your privacy, though. He would always barge into your room unannounced and always pokes and prods in your business.

Ami was like any younger sisters, sort of whiny and emotional, but you got along pretty well since you were both girls. She came to you about her problems at school and you let her talk through things and gave her any practical advice you could, and you spent a lot of time with her in general.

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