Chapter 6

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As soon as you walked back inside, everyone was ecstatic. They all talked about Hinata, how nice he was, and how fun. Even your dad said he thought he seemed like a nice boy, which was surprising, considering your dad didn't really approve of any boys besides your brother.

"Y/n!!!! He's so nice! He's perfect for you!" Ami jumped over to you, grabbing your hands and jumping up and down.

"Wha- Guys we aren't dating!" You yelled at everyone again, they just couldn't drop the idea.

"Yeah, but you wanna date him," Kazue said from his spot leaned against the wall, arms crossed and a smug face.

"N-no! I don't wanna date him!" You blushed furiously but kept your angry look at Kazue.

"Tell that to your face! You look like a tomato!" Kazue laughed and squeezed your cheeks together. You growled and moved his hands away before stomping up the stairs, making it a point to be loud so they knew you were upset.

You closed the door and flopped onto your bed, groaning into your pillow. Your face was still warm, and you looked up at your mirror and saw the remaining blush, refusing to go away.

You frowned and sat up, rubbing your eyes and looking down at your feet.

Did you like Hinata? I mean, he was really nice, and energetic. He always made you happy whenever you were around him or thought about him. He was funny and made you feel welcomed. You never had a hard time being yourself around him. So did you like him?

I mean, yeah, you liked him, but that didn't mean you wanted to date him. Yeah! You just like him as a friend!


You looked over to the floor where you two had been doing homework and remembered the endless laughing and joy.

You blushed even more and hid your face under your hands. You need to focus on something else right now. You remembered the unfinished homework and ran over to the floor, bringing it to your desk to finish it.

You focused your full attention on it, trying to think about anything but Hinata. You didn't want to confront those feelings right now.


Hinata pedaled up the hill, keeping a steady breathing pace.

He thought about how much fun he had at your house, how he liked hanging around and getting to know your family. He thought about the delicious food your mom made and almost drooled thinking of it.

He laughed thinking about your brother ranting about Oikawa and smiled thinking about your father being interested in his volleyball team. He thought about your sister, blushing a bit when he remembered her saying he was your boyfriend.

He thought about all the laughs he had sitting on the floor of your room, and how pretty you looked when you were just sitting there studying. He tried to wrap around his head how someone could be so cute, but so unaware of how cute they were.

Falling for the Sun (Hinata x reader)Where stories live. Discover now