Chapter 30

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"Where's Y/n?" Kageyama asked upon noticing the strange lack of h/c hair and e/c eyes in the area. You and F/n always ate together, so he thought it was strange.

 You and F/n always ate together, so he thought it was strange

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"Mm? I'm not sure, probably talking to someone or something." F/n reasoned while eating her rice ball. "Speaking of, where's Hinata? Did he have other plans?"

"Mmph, I don't know. We don't eat together every day or anything, you know." He rolled his eyes slightly, nonchalantly taking a sip of his smoothie after swallowing his bite of salad.

"That's true, I guess you didn't until all of us started hanging out, huh?" F/n said with a finger to her chin.

The conversation was put to an end when a girl waved F/n over, saying she wanted to talk about a group project together. While Kageyama was oblivious and peacefully eating his lunch, F/n had a clue as to why the both of you were missing.


You stopped walking once you reached a more secluded spot around the school, and leaned against the wall. You looked up at the tree branches over you against the blue sky for a moment before taking a breath and looking ahead.

Your eyes were met with a visibly nervous Hinata, who was looking at the grass and fiddling with his fingers. He finally looked back at you for a moment, and though he was about to look back down, your e/c eyes drew him back in. He just stared nervously at you.

"Listen, I know it's kind of an awkward conversation, but we have to talk about what happened, at least a little bit. Just be honest with me, okay? I won't be mad no matter what you answer, as long as it's the truth." You began speaking, trying to hide the blush on your own face by turning your head to the side. You spoke in a soft tone, trying to make it clear that you weren't mad and that you genuinely just wanted to talk.

"Okay..." Hinata answered quietly, nodding slightly.

"I know that it just happened and that there's a lot to consider, so if you aren't sure about anything, that's completely ok. I just need you to tell me that. I know that's hard, though." You spoke with sincerity, giving a genuine look that eased him just a little bit.

"No, you're right. I just... I mean, you're right, there's a lot that I'm unsure of. I'm sorry for just running away, though. That was rude on my part." He apologized, blushing and scratching the back of his head.

"It's ok, I understand. And honestly, you aren't the only one. I'm unsure too. Like, do we just pretend it never happened?" You asked.

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