Chapter 18

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"Oikawa?!" Hinata shouted, pointing at the boy sitting in the car.

"Ah, what's the shorty doing here?" Oikawa turned to look at Hinata with a half-lidded expression, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Ah, what's the shorty doing here?" Oikawa turned to look at Hinata with a half-lidded expression, a smirk plastered on his face

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"Wait, Oikawa? The Oikawa?" You asked, surprised to finally be meeting the elusive rival of your brother.

"Ah, so you've heard of me then? I'm flattered!" He kept the smirk plastered on his face, with a flirty tone hiding in his voice.

"Only cause my brother complains about you all the time, and you're supposed to be the 'Great King' or whatever, at least, according to Shoyo." You said with your arms crossed, already skeptical of the attitude he was giving off.

"Shoyo, huh? First name basis with the shrimp? What, are you guys dating or something?" Oikawa asked in a sort of sarcastic tone as you went around the car and sat in the front seat, while Hinata sat in the middle seat in the back.

"What? No, we're just friends. Also, I thought one of Kazue's friends was supposed to pick us up." You said as you buckled your seatbelt, your voice dripping with sarcasm. You were put off by the guys' attitude and demeanor, to say the least. Especially after what just happened in the rink, you weren't in the mood to deal with a guy like him.

"Aw, that's just hurtful! Fuji and I are the best of friends! In fact, I wish we could hang out more, especially when he has such a cute little sister." Oikawa said, looking at you with a half-lidded expression for a second before returning his attention to the road. Honestly, you were just waiting for him to say something like that, so you weren't that put off by it.

"Right. And what exactly is keeping you from hanging out with him? Maybe it's all the fangirls chasing you around constantly?" You asked this question sarcastically once again, trying to keep the very faint blush from growing. While you figured he would be a flirt, you never thought he would be as attractive as he is.

One time, Kazue had tried to show you a picture of him so you could see his rival, but you just glanced at it, not paying any attention. But now, you could see why girls would be after him. Nevertheless, you weren't interested in him all that much. Yes, he was easy on the eyes, but his personality threw you off and you weren't sure you liked it. Not to mention he was definitely a playboy who's had a lot of girlfriends, and you didn't want to get involved with someone like that.

"Please, it's mostly volleyball that takes up my time. That, and watching my nephew. And yeah, maybe I go on a few dates here and there, but people always make me out to be some 'ladies man', when I'm really not." He said this with complete seriousness, and you almost burst out laughing.

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