Chapter 19

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Kazue stepped outside from the gas station and walked towards the parked car. He made sure to open the door quietly and sat down in the driver's seat gently so he didn't wake you or Hinata up.

He turned and looked at the two of you, propped up against each other and fast asleep. Your head laying on Hinata's shoulder, and his head laying on yours. You were both wearing matching sweatshirts and had several hair clips and bows in your hair from when Oikawa gave them to you.

Ugh, Oikawa. The thought of that guy made Kazue wanna barf. It took everything in him to not just strangle him whenever he saw him trying to get your attention. Makki and Matsu saw it in his eyes, too. They were always ready to hold him back from Oikawa. It wasn't much different from when Iwaizumi was around, anyways.

The fact that Oikawa acted like he was even friends with Kazue annoyed him, they most certainly weren't friends, and Kazue didn't plan on ever becoming friends with him. Besides, if Kazue ever did hang around the guy he'd be even more in his shadow than he already is.

And if Oikawa thinks he's going to start hitting on his sister, it'll be a cold day in hell before Kazue becomes friends with him. Sure, Kazue doesn't mind if Hinata hangs around, or most other guys for that matter, as long as they weren't scumbags. But Oikawa? No way, that just wasn't going to happen, not on his watch.

As he thought about this, he looked in his review mirror at you and Hinata again, sleeping so peacefully. He smiled before starting the car, but before he shifted into reverse he took his phone out and took a quick picture of the two of you. If you ever got together, he knew you would appreciate the photo. Plus, it was just adorable.


"Hey guys, we're back."

You heard the soft voice in the back of your head and groaned, wanting to stay asleep. You heard another soft groan come from near you.

"Y/n, come on, Mom has dinner for us."

You opened your eyes, blinking a few times before sitting up completely. You noticed Hinata next to you, also sitting up and yawning.

"You guys are so lazy, c'mon, I'm hungry!" Kazue said from the front seat, rolling his eyes and opening the car door.

You opened the door and stepped out of the car, stretching and twisting around until you loosened up a bit. You, Hinata, and Kazue all walked into the house, taking off your shoes.

"Hey, kids! Dinner's on the counter, go ahead and eat it up! Oh, and remember to get to bed, it's school tomorrow!" Your Dad greeted the three of you, immediately telling you what to do (like he always did). Of course, he didn't mean it, he was mostly just thinking out loud, but you had just woken up and gotten home from a stressful day and you weren't in the mood. Instead of retaliating, though, you just nodded and headed straight for the counter.

After a minute or two of warming up you and Hinata's plates, you went upstairs armed with some chopsticks and a glass of water. Hinata followed, and you set your plate down on your desk. You headed to the stereo on your dresser and plugged your phone in with the aux cord, playing some music. You turned the volume down so it was only playing softly.

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