Chapter 7

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The bell rang from lunch. You grabbed your bento out of your bag and opened it as F/n walked into your classroom to eat lunch with you. Hinata was going to eat lunch with some of his other friends in his class, you two had different classes before lunch.

F/n sat down and took a piece of food from your bento before opening hers. As soon as hers was open, you took a piece from it. This was a sort of tradition between the two of you, trying each other's food.

"So, you excited for practice?" F/n asked.

"Mhm." You said while chewing your food and nodding.

"You should ask Hinata out sometime," F/n said right before she took a bite.

"F/n! I told you we're just friends. Besides, we already have plans." You scolded her again, getting tired of literally everyone telling you to date Hinata.

"You do?!?! What kind of plans?" F/n seemed surprised.

"I'm just going to his house for dinner, chill." You said, shaking your head and picking up some more food with your chopsticks. Hinata's mom had texted back earlier, asking if you wanted to go tonight. You said sure and told your mom of the plan.

"Awwww, that's awesome! Uhm, so... Do you think Kageyama has any interest in me?" F/n said this while poking at her food, clearly embarrassed. You knew it wasn't like her to ask about things unless it had been on her mind for a while.

"I'm not sure, I don't really know him that well. We went to the same middle school, but I never really talked to him or anything. I usually just hang out with Hinata and you these days." You spoke truthfully, feeling bad you couldn't really answer her question.

"Ah, I see..." She spoke kind of sadly, still poking at her food.

"Why do you ask? Do you really like him?" You asked genuinely, wondering if she was ok. Maybe there was something you could do to help.

"I... I think so." She hesitated for a second, still trying to sort out her feelings. She sounded like she was being genuine.

"Well, then you should make a move at practice!" You said, trying to cheer her up.

"A move? Like what?" She asked.

"I don't know, ask him to come to your house or something." You shrugged, realizing you hadn't thought very far into your plan.

"That's super weird, no. I think I just need to throw some hints or something." She said, thinking and taking another bite. "What if we did a double date thing?"

You almost choked on your food and swallowed hard before answering.


"A double date thing. You, me, Hinata, and Kageyama. We could go to the fall fest or something." She stated calmly, taking a drink of her water.

"I don't know, F/n. I mean, I'm not sure if Hinata even likes me, and I'm not sure if I like him." You started blushing and focused your gaze on your food to hide your face slightly.

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