Chapter 26

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He could just kiss you right there. He could. You were only a few inches away, and you were looking at him so sincerely, he wanted nothing more than to kiss you. His gaze shifted to your lips subconsciously. The soft smile they held gave a warmth that washed over him, a sense of safety and comfort that he'd never really felt before.

"Y/n! Hinata! Come on, you guys are slow-pokes!"

Hinata snapped out of his trance with the voice of F/n from ahead. He looked over to see her waving the both of you over, Kageyama rolling his eyes at them. Hinata looked to his side, almost sad when your hand left his shoulder, and you began running over to them.

You turned around to face him and waited for him to follow

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You turned around to face him and waited for him to follow. You almost seemed to move in slow motion for a moment, your h/c hair blowing slightly in the breeze, bouncing a bit as you moved. The way you smiled at him, so happy and genuine. The way your e/c eyes moved with your smile, and how your nose scrunched slightly when you let out a giggle.

"Come on, Sho!" You waved him over with a hand. He smiled widely and laughed as he stood up taller and ran towards you, not stopping as he yelled 'race ya!'

"Hey! That's not fair!" You laughed as your ran after him, trying your best to catch up to the speedy guy. Kageyama and F/n both laughed as you ran by them, and walked calmly behind.


You stood with your hands on your knees, panting for air after the sprint you just did after Hinata.

"Ha! I won!" Hinata said, panting a bit from the running, but mostly intact as if he barely ran at all. He had a crazy fast sprint and crazy endurance. It was annoying to race him because of that.

"Only... cause you got... a head start!" You said in between pants.

"Geez, you guys look like disasters."

You looked up to see Kageyama standing over the both of you with his hands in his pockets, and F/n behind him, giggling and shaking her head.

"You're just jealous that we actually had fun," Hinata said with a smirk to Kageyama.

"We are having fun, dumbass. We just know how to do it without running ourselves ragged." Kageyama said with a raised eyebrow. F/n came from behind him and grabbed his arm, interlocking it with her own.

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