Chapter 27

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The view from the top was amazing. It was cold, sure, but the view overcame that. The trees and mountains in the distance, and the lights from the streets and stores, it was so calming to you. The wind blew your hair slightly, Hinata's hair tickling the side of your face.

His arm around your shoulder was warm and comforting, it made you feel safe. You looked down at you and Hinata's intertwined hands, paying attention to the warmth from his hand. You held on just a little tighter, clinging to his hand like you never wanted to let go.

Hinata was also taking in the scenery. He inhaled slowly and deeply, getting a nice breath of the air in, and also getting your own scent in his nose. He thought you smelled really nice, it was a scent he would never get tired of. He thought about the position he was in, how he was able to spend time with one of the greatest people out there.

He felt a little self-conscious even, wondering how somebody as cute and amazing as you could ever ask him out. Of course, you didn't think that much of yourself, but he did.

"Hey, Y/n-Chan?" Hinata mumbled into your shoulder, pushing his nose further into it out of embarrassment. He was much shyer and quieter than he usually was, his voice was soft, almost a whisper. It felt even more like it was just you and him up there that way, nobody else.

"Hm?" You hummed, looking slightly behind you at his face. He looked so shy and small, his nose buried into your shoulder and his gaze down at your hands. He was even blushing a bit, but you couldn't tell if that was just from the cold breeze.

"Thanks for... y'know, bringing me out here." He mumbled into your shoulder again, but you still understood him. You squeezed his hand once more so he looked up at you slightly and smiled warmly.

"Of course! I wouldn't have picked anyone else." You tilted your head so you could see him all the way. By now the wheel was moving again, so your hair whipped around a little more. The view of your glowing face against the colors of the sunset was almost overwhelming for Hinata. His eyes even started watering a bit, and you noticed.

"Sho? Are you okay?" You asked with a worried expression. He looked up and nodded, blinking the tears away. You gave him a soft smile. The way you cared about him was a first, at least besides his family. You not only cared about him, but you believed in him.

The view was stunning, the timing was perfect, and you were close enough to pull it off. Not only that, but he wanted to. He wanted to ever since he saw you open the door when he picked you up, he wanted to ever since the team was over and you played truth or dare, hell, he wanted to ever since he brought you to volleyball practice.

He could almost see glitter falling around your face, he could almost see sparkles in your eyes. He swore your hair blew in slow motion, dramatically, and it fell perfectly when there was a lull in the breeze. God, you were so beautiful. Just as he leaned forward ever so slightly, the wheel started moving again, jostling him out of the moment.

"You sure you're okay?" You asked, wanting to make sure.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, sorry I just got... emotional, I guess." He took his arm from around your shoulder and scratched the back of his head for a second before resting it on the seat behind you.

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