chapter 3 - Nightmare

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Carolina laid in bed, but she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned, awaken by nightmares each time she even managed to doze off for a minute or two. Unable to take it anymore, she reached for alcohol in a flask at the side of the bed, drinking, trying to drink just enough to put her to sleep, but realized that her flask only had a few sips left in the container. She sighed, tossing the flask aside, knowing that wasn't enough to put her to sleep. She kept seeing the mugging in her head, seeing Noah shot and killed, hearing the gunshots from both his and Bullet's deaths, seeing the men that beat her down and tried to use her for their entertainment.

Carolina tried to force the images and sounds out of her mind, standing, walking toward her desk, grabbing a zippo lighter from a ceramic bowl, looking at it numbly, and reached for another bowl, but remembered that she didn't have any 'stash' left. "Damn it."

Carolina walked toward her bed, sitting down with the lighter, opening it, flicking the flame on, watching the flame for a long moment. She shook her head, blowing the lighter out, standing, walking toward the jacket on her dresser that Georgia gave her, pulling it on, putting the lighter in her pocket. She sat down, pulling on some black biker booties. She didn't bother with getting dressed for real, still in her comfy black pajamas as she walked toward her window, opening it, and began planning how she would use it to climb down and sneak out not just tonight but other times too.

Also being unable to sleep, Georgia was outside, watering plants while also drinking a glass of wine, when she heard a window open, she peaked around the house to see Carolina climbing out of her window and climbing down, jumping down. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Carolina jumped, turning to look at Georgia. "Shit."

Georgia smirked. "Shit is right. Looking for somewhere in town to get a new stash?"

Carolina looked to the side, busted. "Uh..."

They heard Marcus in the direction of his house, clearly not wanting to get caught sneaking in.

Georgia got an idea, pointing at Carolina. "You stay right there."

Georgia chased after Marcus.

Carolina frowned in confusion. "What the hell are you doing?"

Georgia called out to Marcus in a hushed tone. "Hey, kid."

Marcus stopped, turning to face Georgia. "Who are you?"

"My kids and I just moved in across the street," Georgia told him. "I hear you have bud." Carolina walked closer to hear the words, raising her eyebrows in shock. "My daughter and I can't sleep. That would really help out right now." Marcus was stunned, noticing Carolina across the street. "Say something. You got bud or not?" Marcus dug around in his pocket, taking some out, handing it to Georgia. "Thanks, kid."

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