chapter 25 - Wasted

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Later that night, Georgia had seen MANG to bed in Ginny's room and left them to watch Clueless.

Carolina was in her room, laying down.

Georgia walked in, standing in the doorway.

"I hope you know I'm not watching a movie with 'MANG'," Carolina told her, mocking the girl group name. "Ginny and I can't stay near each other for long without a fight breaking out, and the others still annoy me. Not so much Max anymore, and Abby was actually kinda cool today, but still."

Georgia chuckled. "I know, buttercup. I'm not that cruel. I wouldn't make you knowing all that."

Carolina sighed, sitting up. "You gonna tell me about that guy earlier? He's the reason why you were so tense, right? Nick's boyfriend."

"Yeah," Georgia answered. "But he's not just Nick's boyfriend. He's going by Jesse, but he's real name is Gabriel."

"I gathered that from earlier," Carolina told her.

Georgia nodded. "Gabriel Cordova. He's the PI that hired Maddie to come here to get answers."

Carolina understood immediately, sighing nervously, looking down. Georgia walked closer, sitting next to Carolina.

Carolina sighed heavily. "Thanks. For telling me."

"Well, since Maddie came talking to you about... that night, and those guys, I figured that he might do the same thing, and I needed you to know who he was when he did," Georgia pointed out. "Caro, you don't have to be nervous about what he might find. He's not gonna find anything against you. And certainly not against me. Not about the gang violence and whatnot."

"Yeah, how did that happen?" Carolina asked. "I saw a leather jacket for the Blood Eyes in your closet when we found Ginny going through your stuff. Were you in a gang?"

"Almost was," Georgia answered. "Still had some contacts to help out though."

Carolina nodded. "And that's how you..."

Carolina looked away.

Georgia looked at her in concern. "You all right? I know you didn't wanna know, necessarily."

"I didn't," Carolina agreed. "But right now I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"You don't need to know everythin'," Georgia pointed out. "We can just leave it as that."

"Leave it as that," Carolina told her. "Because if that PI, or when, he comes to talk to me, I don't wanna know anything and slip up and get you in trouble."

"You wouldn't do that," Georgia told her. "But I understand. Kenny's ex-wife hired the PI to look into Kenny, because she is contesting the will, and preventing us from getting any of the money that he left us." Carolina raised her eyebrows in surprise, realizing that they were broke and Georgia hadn't told the kids. "I think she wanted him to turn every stone that could implicate me, or anyone in this family, which is why she brought up... that night and those guys. Since she always said to Kenny and me it was a hell of a coincidence that the guys that did that to you and Noah ended up dead like that."

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