chapter 15 - Royal Blush

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Carolina and Ginny were working at the café, while Max was there distracting them with gossiping about her new crush. The café did not have an official uniform, but Carolina was required to take off her leather jacket and wear an apron over her outfit.

"Carolina, table four needs coffee," Joe called.

"Got it," Carolina told him, walking toward the counter where Ginny was working the register, and Max was next to her.

"Sophie Sanchez is so hot," Max ranted. "Like, her ass belongs to the Louvre." Carolina walked around them to get to the coffee. "It's art. She wore leggings yesterday, and I died. I'm dead! I'm deceased. Just cremate me and put me on the mantle." Carolina walked away to table four, pouring the coffee. "We've been texting. She actually cares about things, like the planet and other people. She's been teaching her little sister to bake. Isn't that so cute?"

"Max, you know you're not supposed to be back there," Joe told her.

Carolina walked back to the counter, past the two other girls to put the coffee back. She looked at Max. "Didn't you just get over Riley like a week ago? Now..."

"Yeah, I might have different crushes week by week," Max admitted. "But Sophie is different, I swear."

Ginny looked at Carolina. "What happened to 'nothing' with my friends?"

"At least I'm not being a bitch," Carolina replied. "Just said one thing. Jeez, get over it."

"Besides, Caro's never been a bitch to me directly," Max added. "She's awesome."

Carolina nodded, giving a slight smile, walking away. "Okay."

Max looked at Ginny. "How are you and Hunter?"

"Ugh!" Ginny groaned. "He still hasn't said anything about the picture. It's weird. I don't know. I don't think I'm good at the whole sexy thing. That's Caro and Georgia's expertise, not mine."

"Yeah, Carolina and Georgia are insanely hot," Max agreed. Ginny gave her a look. "Sorry." Max turned to whisper to Carolina over the counter. "Not sorry." Carolina smirked, still working. "Okay, I wanna talk more about Sophie now." Carolina gave a sigh/growl of frustration and annoyance while she tried to focus on working, going to get the orders, picking up a tray with four plates from the counter separating the main room from the kitchen. "I wanna talk about Sophie 100% of the time. 100% of the time. When you think about it that way, I showed great restraint."

Carolina carried the tray over to a table with four people, placing the plates in front of the right people. "I got two Mexi-Melts, one regular, one with sweet potato, and two turkey burgers, one gluten-free bun." She turned to look at Joe. "Table six needs their check. I need to go get table eight their wings before happy hour's over."

Joe nodded, impressed with how well Carolina seemed to be doing. Carolina walked away to get the wings.

Behind the main counter, Max showed her phone to Ginny. "Sophie. Two years ago. She is my Venezuelan fantasy woodland princess."

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