chapter 13 - Karma

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Carolina was wearing the outfit that Georgia had been able to mangle up for her, and Carolina, Georgia and Ginny were talking.

"This whole thing is some next-level rich people shit," Georgia told them. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Can you guys go?" Ginny asked. "Mom, you can chaperone somewhere else. Caro, why don't you go back to painting?"

Carolina rolled her eyes. "Oh, I am really close to pouring paint all over you like what happened to me tonight."

Georgia gave Ginny a look. "Don't be ugly. Why are you so mean to us today? Are we that awful? Have we embarrassed you that much? Volunteered to chaperone for you, got Caro to come, make sure you both have a good time."

"Please," Ginny scoffed. "You hate that I'm making friends instead of hanging with Caro judging everyone. You're just jealous that I get to do this, and you didn't. That's what this is about. Am I wrong?"

"Excuse me?" Georgia asked.

Carolina scoffed incredulously. "Where the fuck do you get this shit from?"

"I'm sorry that you don't want to get close to anybody because of what happened with Noah and his damn dog, but that doesn't mean you have to be a bitch to everyone else," Ginny told her.

"Oh, like how you're a bitch to me and Mom for absolutely no fucking reason?" Carolina replied. "And you forget one thing, Ginny. It didn't just happen to them. It happened to me too. How the hell would you feel?"

"Caro..." Ginny trailed off.

Carolina picked up some of the paint from the booth, throwing it at Ginny, splashing her all over, a lot more than what Carolina got herself, before walking away. Georgia sighed, closing her eyes, incredulous and outraged by the way Ginny was treating them, and not liking the fighting between her daughters, but also knowing Carolina was completely justified in how she reacted.

Flashback - One Year Ago

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