chapter 9 - One Child In Crisis At A Time

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The following day at school, Carolina walked in with Ginny, and Padma, Marcus and Max walked along with them.

"My mom is so pissed that we lied," Max explained. "I'm so grounded, she almost didn't let me come for callbacks today. What if she doesn't let me go to Sophomore Sleepover?"

"What's Sophomore Sleepover?" Carolina asked.

"Only the sexiest night of the year," Max told them.

"It's when the sophomores sleep at school," Padma explained. "It's what sophomores get instead of prom. I cannot wait for Junior Prom."

"Isn't that not until May?" Marcus asked.

"You are such an asshole," Padma told him.

Carolina scoffed softly.

Padma gave Marcus a kiss, before walking away.

"See you, Caro," Ginny told her.

"Okay," Carolina said.

Ginny and Max walked away.

Marcus leaned on the lockers, looking at his phone, calling after his sister. "Later, loser."

Carolina went to her locker which was close by where Marcus was leaning. "Uh, might be running low on stash, so..."

Marcus looked up. "I could drop by later if you want."

"Yeah, sounds good," Carolina replied.

"Partying with Press and the bro squad didn't get you your fix?" Marcus asked.

"The bro..." Carolina trailed off. "Whatever. Press won't be bothering me again." Marcus raised his eyebrows curiously. "I never want to be bunched in with them again. I'm never doing that again. Getting high and a little buzzed from drinking was so not worth it."

"You realized how much they suck," Marcus stated.

"Uh, yeah," Carolina answered. "And what do you care if I was hanging out with Press and the others anyway?"

Marcus shook his head. "I don't."

Carolina nodded, rolling her eyes. "Right. Well, just wanted to let you know. But I took a pill to be safe." Marcus raised his eyebrows, but before he could say anything, Carolina closed her locker after getting what she needed and cut him off. "So that's that."

Carolina walked away.

Marcus watched her go, confused by the behavior but knowing she was irritated/upset. "Okay."

In AP English, the students were on laptops, and Carolina was clearly overwhelmed by the hormones running through her body from the pill, though she tried to act like nothing was wrong.

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