chapter 31 - Long Overdue

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Later on that night, Carolina was still in her room and playing a bit of the piano

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Later on that night, Carolina was still in her room and playing a bit of the piano.

Marcus peaked in through the window before crawling up.

Carolina turned her head to look at the window, smirking a slight smile when she saw Marcus having been more careful about crawling up this time, looking amused as he climbed through. "So, uh, the Spider Man's gotta be careful before being caught by the Black Widow again, huh?"

Marcus tilted his head, sheepish but amused too. "Sorry about last night. Did you get in trouble?"

"A little," Carolina answered. "There was a fight, but it turned more into a fight with Ginny versus me and Mom again. Mom and I made up, and she's a lot more understanding now. Thanks to my dad, but..."

Marcus nodded, chuckling. "Glad I didn't get you in too much trouble then."

"How much trouble would you get in with your family?" Carolina asked.

Marcus shook his head. "No clue. Don't care." They chuckled. "Max wouldn't shut up about your essay in class. And your sister's, but obviously I don't care about that one."

Carolina chuckled. "Right. Yeah, um... it was hard to write and even harder to recite in front of the class, but, uh... it was the only one I could actually write, so..."

Marcus nodded in understanding, sitting nearby. "But you are actually realizing that moving on isn't a bad thing and doesn't make you bad. That's a huge plus."

Carolina tilted her head at him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

They both chuckled with small smiles.

"I think it's fucked that you didn't win though, from what Max's saying," Marcus told her.

"Yeah, don't get me started," Carolina told him. "That's been the talk of the day. But it's whatever. I might be way behind in everything I would need for actual college, or at least the 'right one' as Ginny says, but I could be like my dad. Take a bunch of classes in a bunch of places and do a bunch of things."

Marcus nodded in agreement. "Already got painting, music and other things down."

"Yep," Carolina agreed. "What about you?"

"I have no clue what I would do," Marcus admitted. "Where would you go after all that though?"

"Somewhere I've never lived before and there isn't many of those left," Carolina answered. "I want to travel around the US bit like my dad did. Maybe if I save enough, I could even travel the world, also like he did, but there's no way that's going to happen without a job. Even with a job, it'd take years to earn that type of money on minimum wage, and I don't want my dad paying my way. I wanna earn it. Which is even why I continued working at Blue Farm."

Marcus smiled a bit. "Sounds cool."

Carolina looked up at him with slight smirk/smile. "Well, I'm glad you think so." Marcus looked down at Carolina, their eyes locking as they smiled slightly. Carolina bit her lip, looking away, chuckling. "Um... I know that we still have to talk about what I said when I was drunk."

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