Chapter 32

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Jungkooks POV

I have no clue what just happened but seeing Ri like's honestly kinda hot (A/N heh get it because she has fire...annnnyway back to the story) Seeing this powerful side to her that I think none of us has ever seen is just overwhelmingly strange. I don't even really know if that's Ri right now. She freed us all and tied up the clones without even lifting a I wonder what else she can do with this newfound power. We stand in a corner as she approaches Taehyung. "What is happening" I whisper to Namjoon and he whispers back "I have no idea". The other members are just as confused. I hear Yoongi whisper "I know I was knocked out but am I hallucinating or does Ri have fucking wings?". I laugh slightly. "You aren't hallucinating Yoongi, That's really her" I whisper as I watch her speak to Tae. 

I hope things won't be awkward between us since they used to date and well...Ri and I just confessed our love for each other. So this could go a few ways. 

"I need permission to kill your father"

All our eyes widen and I turn to Namjoon who looks just as shocked. "Did I hear that correctly?" I hear Jimin ask and we all nod. She turns and makes eyes contact with us, we all just stare silently as she laughs quietly. "You're just as surprised as I am then huh" she mutters. She walks over with Taehyung. "I don't...really know what to make of all of this, I guess my anger built up and just kinda exploded.". She shrugs her shoulders and I laugh slightly. "Ri I don't normally think anyone gets angry, sprouts wings, their eyes turn orange and they can control things without even touching it". She pokes my cheek and smiles. "True, I don't really know what it is but it feels...right? Like I have this overwhelming power in me that I need to let out but I also feel in Tae...erm I don't want things to be awkward between you and Jungkook". I look at him and he smiles and shakes his head. "Just...look after her okay? And trust her". I nod, I can tell he feels guilty for hurting her before but Ri is an understanding person, I know deep down she forgives him. 

"So erm, what are we gonna do about them?" Jin asks and points to the clones who have been knocked unconscious. "Hmmm" Ri rubs her chin and smiles. "I think I have a good idea". 


"Before I deal with Chul, We need to find the other people he has kidnapped and find out his next plans, Since I basically killed one, I will act as her to sneak in and find out the plan, The rest of you free the people who have been taken." They all nod and I touch Taehyungs shoulder. "Tae...I know this has to be done but this is your father I-" He puts his hand over mine. "Just do whatever is necessary okay? I won't hold any grudges". I nod and smile. I go over to Jungkook and he pulls me in for a long slow kiss. "Hate to break it up love birds but haven't we got a job to do Phoenix" Joon nudges me and I lightly slap his arm. "Yessss sir I know" I giggle and peck Jungkooks lips again. He holds my cheeks. "Will you be okay by yourself?" he asks worried and I smile at him. "Since I saved your ass before, if I get in trouble, you'll be the first one I call". He smirks at me and squishes my cheeks slightly. "Deal" We peck lips again and go our separate ways to complete the plan. I pick up ones bat and head towards Chuls office. 

"So in these 4 areas we can make a start of setting off the clones and-" I open the door, swinging the bat over my shoulder. "Ah number one, how are things going?" Chul asks and I smirk slightly, think fast Ri, what would she say. I then sarcastically roll my eyes. "They're so boring to deal with boss, They just keep trying to struggle out the chairs, heh idiots I tied them up too well so there's no chance of them escaping". I see him smirk. "Good that's my good girl" He comes over and strokes my shoulder...oh shit, Am I meant to go along with this I didn't plan for this, suddenly out of nowhere he starts to kiss my neck. THE FUCK....ERM. "What's wrong, you seem tense?" He asks as he takes my chin in his hand, I lightly nudge him off me. "Just dealing with those lot tires me out, So what's the next move boss?" He raises an eyebrow at me then walks back to his desk. I walk over and sit on the edge of it. "So I was saying to the others that we can get you and the members to basically grab peoples attention and then start to attack and kidnap them". He looks at me for approval and I shake my head slightly and smirk. "Sounds good, do continue". "Mhm well yes then the ones we already have locked up can also be released and basically spread the word of BTS being involved with us and that we can protect them from other mafia groups so they join us". 

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