{Chapter 62} THE ANSWERS 💃💃💃

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1. What is shifting?
A {Leaving to another reality}


2. Is shifting dangerous?
B {No}


3. Are subliminals necessary to shift?
B {No, they aren't necessary, although some people might enjoy using them while trying to shift.}


4. What would it feel like to be in your desired reality?
B {It's completely real since you're in another reality, not just in aNoThEr DrEaM.}


5. Am I supposed to murder people in my dr?
A {No, they're real people with real feelings.}


6. Not everyone can shift.
B {False}


7. Shifting is against any religion.
B {False}


8. I'll bring demons with me whenever I shift to my dr or back to my cr.
B {False}


9. Dr means..
B {Desired reality}


10. Cr means..
A {Current reality}


11. The author is obsessed with hands
A, B and C were all true😍.

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