Chapter 45

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Sooooooo, next chapter won't be updated until I see a reasonable amount of votes on this one and I want you guys to comment like crazy on every chapter, like even if it's saying how beautiful a comma looks or how a full stop saved your life, allowing you to breathe, COMMENT
oh, and I think I'm going to start to dedicate chapters again?

"They literally consider anything fashion," I tell Dan while stealing one of his crisps.

"Not anything, but it is a way of wearing art, Livvy," he says waving a crisp in the air and laying back on my couch.

"Art?" I ask scrunching my face and sitting next to him.

"Yeah," he shrugs kicking his shoes off. "Not like the British museum kind of art, I mean art as in abstract," he explains popping another crisp in his mouth.

I don't understand abstract art so I just nod reaching for my phone. The British museum is where Zayn took me, I think that was one of my favourite times with him.

What am I even saying? There's no favourite times, he's just a man who enjoyed fücking and toying me. He happened to be incredibly handsome and knew how to drag me to his territory, yes, but I shouldn't be thinking about him.

"So, do you want to come or not?" Dan asks poking my side.

I squirm and fall on his side, my phone dropping out of my hand.

"I think Lottie's doing someone's make up there actually," I tell him lying on his arm.

"You'll see Lottie there too then, come on, say yes," he says moving his arm to make my head bounce off it.

London Fashion Week. I mean it sounds great but why would I go there? I'm the kind of girl that can only match gray, black and white.

"Isn't that just for very important people?" I ask scrunching my face and sitting up properly again.

He scrunches the crisps bag up and lays it on the coffee table, putting one of his arms over my shoulders.

"My dad needs me there, it's not like anyone knows who I am," he explains with a soft chuckle. "And I'd like you to come with me," he says in a quiet voice.

"Hm..." I hum tapping my index finger against my chin. "Maybe..." I see his smile growing and I lay my legs on his thigh. "Shall we get noodles after that?" I ask.

"If you come, you can even wear noodles if you like," he tells me playing with the fabric of my leggings.

"I doubt anyone would notice anyway," I mumble covering my mouth to stop my ridiculous giggle.

"Oi, stop taking the mickey out off everything will you?" He exclaims in a joking tone.

I scoot back on the couch watching his wiggly fingers getting closer to my torso.

"No, no, no, okay I'll stop," I giggle nervously placing my hands on his chest.

"Too late," he says before connecting his hands to my sides, making me squirm and laugh underneath him.

Dan's full of joy and just his presence makes me happy. He's attractive, very attractive, but I don't feel as desperate as I used to feel around Zayn, I have more self control. Although Dan isn't like Zayn in that way, he hasn't tried anything with me, we only kiss from time to time, it's like being in secondary school again. Not that I had anyone to kiss, but Lottie kissed every creature she met and never actually shag them so... It's a bit like that. The most heated moment we've had was when I basically atacted him in the car.

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