Chapter 71

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It's been more than a year since my last update, so I've made it seem like a year's gone by in the story too.

Reasons I've done this is because I feel like carrying on with the story, but as I haven't read it for ages I feel like I've forgotten what I was trying to get to, so this way will be easier to retake. Also, the fact that Johannah Tomlinson, bless her, unfortunately died makes me feel extremely awkward including her in this story. Even to conclude her part in this story I have to make it quiet personal to the story, and I feel this could be offensive because she's a real person and I just don't like this situation, so as soon as her chapter is closed here, she won't be mentioned in the story again.

Originally, as some of you guessed, Johannah was secretly Olivia's mother, as she was so close with Olivia's dad, but this is something that can't happen anymore.

If I could, I'd change the name of all the characters and carry on as a normal story with no one directon influence, but I know most of you would lose interest and also there's no way I'm going through every chapter and changing the names.

Also, I've rearranged Jacob's age... cause I can

And! I want to make this story a bit healthier, so let's see where it goes.

Anyway! With that said, hope you enjoy whatever's coming from this. 


It's ridiculous how much your life can change in a year.

Some years are quiet.

Some years nothing happens.

Other years you can't even stop for a minute to ask yourself where has the time gone?

"Where's the fairy?" 

If I think about it properly, the moment my life completly changed was when Zayn decided to take over my life. It's been more than a year since that. Maybe a year and six months... Jesus Christ those six months were bumpy.

We've come so far from all that now.

Zayn's still Zayn I guess... There's still mood swings, less of them, but still there. He's less controlling. I'm suprisingly less emotional. I feel like I've regained my stability, I know what I'm about now. At least I like to think I am...

"I can't find it Livvy! You said it was in the small box!" Jacob's voice has also changed from a year ago.

I guess I don't mind him growing up, I enjoy him growing up. It's a positive thing and I shouldn't get stuck thinking about the past. The past won't take me anywhere.

"Livvy!" He screams again.

I take in a deep breath before making my way through the Christmas boxes that Jacob has dugged out and look exactly where I told him to look. I fish our old family Christmas fairy and hand it to him.

"It wasn't there when I looked," he says taking it and standing on a chair before he places it on the Christmas tree.

"Course it wasn't, I'm a fairy myself and made it appear," I say rolling my eyes and sinking back into the sofa.

"You're a witch you mean," he says amusing himself.

"Oi" I glare at him.

My phone vibrates and I notice it's Pep.

It's ridiculous to think I've only been Pep's PA for over a year... He's come so far from the first time I met him. He wordships me the idiot. He always goes on about how he has his own magazine thanks to me. Which isn't true.

I pushed him to do what he wanted, that's all. Suprisingly, I'm now his PA but also incharge of a pool of executive assistants in the office. There's still a long way to go but I love feeling this essential.

I still owe it all to Dan for getting me that job. The lucky fucker's gone over to Rome now... I have the feeling he's seeing someone there. Lovely mediterranean girl I'm guessing. 

It might sound like I'm jealous... but I'm only jealous of getting away from England's rain. Promise.

I still haven't found about why Dan and Zayn's friendship ended... Although knowing my dearest peaceful boyfriend, I can have a guess.

Now, thinking back to the moment I walked into Zayn's slutty mansion, I can't help feeling regret... I know I shouldn't, for several reasons, but I do. Thanks to that mistake I met Zayn and thanks to that mistake I won't do something like that again. 

I've never stepped back into that mansion. My blood boils just thinking about it. Not so much for what happened there, but more to do with Sandra Fucking Montgomery. I know she keeps bugging Zayn, she's still his "friend". He won't talk about her, and I could probably get rid of her in his life in a heart beat, but for some reason I haven't, for some reason... there's something about her that I need.

Now that everything's quieted down I've found myself wishing Zayn shut that bloody mansion. He has his finger in so many pies, I know he doesn't need it. I've tried to bring the subject up. He thinks all the girls would end up in the wrong hands, and out of the mansion he can't protect them. I understand that, I do, but I just can't get over anyone still living that life. He shouldn't have opened that place in the first place... I actually don't know why he did. 

"Finished! Christmas is officially here!" Jacob exclaims extending his arms to the Christmas tree.

I chuckle getting up the sofa and taking a closer look at the combination of our Nan's old decorations and our new ones.

"You've done a good job there, Jakes" I ruffle his hair.

He's got so much taller in a year, it's ridiculous, he's almost my height although he's still thirteen.

"We need to go and do our Christmas shopping for the Tomlinsons Livvs," he says concerned.

I look at him squinting my eyes. "You mean Christmas shopping with my money?" 

"I'll get a Saturday job soon," he says shrugging and I laugh.

I shake my head while exiting the room and find myself staring at a picture frame on the hall's wall. 

In the picture you can see Johannah sitting with a toddler on each leg, the twins standing on one side of her, Jacob between them the twins, Lottie standing on her other side and Felicite Louis and myself standing behind her. Louis smiles with the same big warm eyes as Johannah does, leaning his hands on her shoulders, Felicite and I leaning on Louis, laughing at something ridiculous he said at the time.

That's been the biggest change for everyone.

I've been under the Tomlinson's wing for years, and now it's my turn to keep them strong.

I'm woken up of from my dazing by the doorbell ringing.

I kiss the pad of my fingers and lean them against the middle of the picture on the wall, just before turning round to the front door.


Welcome back everybody! 

Hope all is well, hopefully I'll get the hang of this again.

On another note, you guys need to start watching a show called Peaky Blinders (it's amazing, amazing cast, amazing story, amazing music, brilliant!) and if by any chance anyone knows a good peaky blinders story on here, please do tell me!

Also! There's a good podcast called The high low that you should also listen to, it's great.

And btw, a vote would be encouraging to carrying on with this story.

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