Chapter Three

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Andrew's POV

At first I thought it was just a sick joke but the look on his face confirmed it. He slept with her and she let it happen, God knows if she even enjoyed it.

I was so excited when she had dropped the pregnancy news on me. I was so excited that we were going to have a baby, a family together, what I've always wanted with her, what I've always dreamt of with her. But knowing that someone else may be the father of the baby is killing me.

The fact that she gave herself to someone else, Miles of all people. I just want to kill him.

I love Victoria but this, this is killing me. We've been through so much as a couple, as if the universe has always been against us, everytime we get together, shit happens and we have to end things and just when I thought things could actually go well, this had to happen, she had to sleep with someone else and not even use protection.

"Fuck!" I hit my hand on the steering wheel as I let the tears fall. "Fuck fuck fuck!"

I leaned my head on the headrest as I got to a traffic light.

I need to leave Lagos, I can't stay around her or him. If I stay I'd do something that I'm going to regret. I'm going to hurt her more with my words and I may just kill Miles with my bare hands.

I don't even know if me and her can even work anymore. She has been right all along, we just don't work and maybe it's time I stop fighting with the universe because it's only causing us more pain and heartbreak.

As I got home I began pacing my room and I caught sight of the framed picture on my desk. I took it on the night that I asked her to marry me, the happiest night of my life.

I was holding the frame so tightly that I didn't notice when the glass started cracking. I let it go and it fell, the glass shattering into a million pieces, the wood along with it. The picture was still intact and I just wanted to rip it apart but I left it.

I took out my suitcase and started stuffing clothes into it. I didn't know how many but I just threw them in and halfway through she walked into the room.

Please leave Victoria, please.

"Andrew." Her voice that could make me go weak.

She has been crying, I could hear it in her voice. I just wanted to turn around and hug her but the fact that she cheated on me and the fact that this all might just have been a waste of time keeps ringing in my head and I kept the need to hug her to myself.

From the corner of my eyes I saw her pick the picture on the floor. "Andrew," she called again.

"Don't," I warned but she held unto the shirt I was throwing into my suitcase.

"Please Andrew let's talk about this," she pleaded but I roughly pried my shirt from her hands.

"There's nothing to talk about here." I didn't stop packing up.

"There is, we need to talk this out Andrew, please, you can't just leave me like this, I'm pregnant."

Please don't use that card for me Victoria.

I began to throw some shoes into my duffel bag, not saying another word. I didn't want to speak because whatever I say isn't going to help.

I'm angry, so fucking angry and I can't deal, not right now. Maybe when tomorrow comes, things will make more sense.

"Andrew please, please don't leave me please."

"You should have thought about that when you were sleeping with Miles then," I could hear her heart breaking from behind me.

"There's a chance that this baby is yours."

No please, just don't.

"Look at this Andrew," she held the picture in front of me. "Look at this, we could have this again, please, you don't have to leave me."

I hoped she would stop talking but she didn't.

"Please don't, I can't be a single mother, please."

"Andrew. Please, I love you."

I dropped my suitcase on the floor, ready to drag it out of the room and I slung my duffel bag over my shoulder.

"You don't love me, because if you do, you would have never been with another man." I finally said and her face fell even more.

"This baby may be yours Andrew."

I shook my head and got ready to say something I would probably regret but at this moment I can't think properly. "Then if it's mine, I don't want it."

I walked past her and my duffel bag hit her and somehow she lost her balance and fell to the floor, her hand landing on the broken glass on the floor.

"Ouch," she cried out and sat on the floor, away from the broken glass.

I stopped walking immediately and dropped my bag on the floor, rushing to her side in a second. I may be livid but that doesn't mean I like her getting wounded.

"Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." I really am and I mean it for not only the fact that she was bleeding but also because my words I spoke to her must hurt like a bitch.

I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused her and for things between us to be going down the drain. She deserves better, she deserves to be with someone who has a better chance at being with her, I'm just not that person.

With our forefathers not wanting our families to be together, maybe this is the reason because all we'll keep doing is causing pain to each other. I love her so much and I'm not willing to keep hurting her just for my selfish reasons, just because I can't let her go.

This pain is too much even for me to handle and I just can't do it, not anymore. It's best we go our separate ways.

Ripping my bedsheet off the bed I pressed it to her wound and didn't stand up straighter until I was sure the bleeding had reduced.

I took out my phone and dialed Funke's number.

"Can you come get Victoria, she's bleeding." I said immediately she picked and hung up right after.

I gave her one last long look. I probably wouldn't see her for a long while, maybe never even but I will miss her and one thing is sure, it's going to take a while for me to get over her, if that will ever happen.

I love you Victoria.

I took my bags with me and walked downstairs. I sat on the couch and waited for Funke to come. As I sat there I was in a mental battle with myself. I wanted to go back to Victoria and tell her that I love her despite the fact that I'm fucking pissed with what she did but I love her enough to stay with her and even if the baby isn't mine I would still love her and I still want to have a life and future with her, a family and fuck the universe if it's against us but the other part of me is reminding me how much it's a bad idea for both of us to be together.

I guess the other part of me won because Funke finally ran into the house, eyes wide and obviously panicking and I snapped out of it.

"What happened?" She nearly yelled and her eyes flicked between me and my bags. "Where are you going?"

"She's upstairs," I picked up my duffel bag. "And I'm going away" I didn't see the need to explain to her what was going on in my head.

"You can't just pack your bags and leave! She's pregnant and it just might be yours." She tried to reason with me.

"Funke please," I shook my head and began to walk away. "Don't okay? I just can't right now. Please take care of her."

With that I walked out of the house and didn't look back. I drove out of the compound and straight to the airport.

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