Chapter Twenty

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Once again I sat in the living room with the remote in my hand. Today was boring, too boring. All I did all day was TV, food and sleep, sleep which I couldn't do for up to an hour.

I was already exhausted from doing nothing. Miles still wasn't home. My eyes flickered to the clock at the corner of the room. The time read past six.

I sighed and tossed the remote to the side. I fought the urge to pick up my phone and chat up Andrew.

If what Miles said about Andrew wanting me back is true, then I don't want to help his ministry.

I'm happy with Miles and even though being with him was a decision I made when I was overwhelmed with emotions, I want to learn to love him. After all I had began to feel something for him before I got pregnant.

I instinctively placed my hand on my protruding stomach and sighed again.

The front door opened and I looked up. Miles was stepping in. I watched him take off his shoes and losen his tie before he noticed me on the couch.

A smile stretched on his lips as he made his way to me. "Hey babe," he planted a kiss on my stomach before meeting my lips then my forehead. "How are you?"

"Bored out of my mind," I confessed.

"Well I think I know just how to fix that," he leaned in again and kissed my lips, this time for more than a second.

"And what is that?" He definitely had all of my attention.

"Well," he held my hand, softly caressing it. "My dad finally gave me a week off so it's just me and you for seven days. I'm all yours."

I smiled this time, relieved to hear those words from him. "Really?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "All yours." He kissed the back of my palm. "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah. Take out is on the counter." I answered.

"Take out again?" I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"I can't cook Miles, bear with me." I grinned at him and he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Maybe you should go stay with your mum. I'm sure take out isn't in her vocabulary." He stood up and made his way to the kitchen.

His words reminded me of the conversation I had both with Andrew and my mum yesterday.

"She called today," I stated. She calls everyday really.

"Okay?" He called from the kitchen. I heard the microwave open the close and some buttons before he stepped out of the kitchen.

"She mentioned me going back so she can take care of me." I used air quotes.

"Oh," was all he said.

"Exactly. I've thought about it before but I don't want to leave you here. Besides even if I go It's literally the same thing, just that mum will be there and breathing down my neck sometimes. Just today she was yelling about a bunch of stuffs." I rolled my eyes as I recalled our conversation earlier.

He chuckled. "She's your mum, don't be too surprised." He sat on the arm rest of the couch.

"Oh I'm not," I chuckled too. "I just don't think I want that.

"You know that if you leave today, I'm going with you." He stated.

"That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. You having to leave work just because of me. Your dad needs you in that office and you know that."

"He can always do without me, he'll find a way." He shrugged.

"Miles you have responsibilities and I don't want to be the one to shake you off of that." I bit my bottom lip as I waited for his response.

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