Chapter Thirty Four

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A/N: Double update because you guys deserve it!

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Victoria's POV

"I swear the sexual tension between you two is killing me." Jo said as she looked between Andrew and I. Andrew was on the other side of the room but somehow our eyes still found a way to find themselves.

I looked at the samosa I was putting in my plate. "There is no sexual tension Jo." I denied.

I knew that there was definitely some sort of tension between us but I won't call it a sexual tension.

"You know you're just lying to yourself." She shook her head." Go talk to him." She stole one samosa from my plate and took a bite. "Damn this is good." She threw the rest of it in her mouth.

"There's nothing to talk about Jo, really." I looked at Andrew again and this time he wasn't looking at me. He was saying something to Adrian.

"Trust me, there's a lot to say. Just fix that sexual tension." She pushed my shoulder at the direction of Andrew.

"Jo if you want me to fix the 'sexual tension', I'm sure you know what that entails." I used air quotes with my free hand.

She was silent for a second before she shook her head as if her thought repulsed her. "Then still fix it."

"Are you crazy?" I lifted a questioning brow at her.

"That's why there are restrooms Riya," she smirked at me and stole another samosa. "There's also a room that I'm pretty sure that you guys will find a need of."

"Jo!" I whisper yelled and she laughed.

"On the hallway of the restrooms..."

I should have probably stopped her from talking but I didn't because a part of me felt that I did need this information she was giving me.

"At the far end there is a black door. It's open. It also has a desk," she winked at me before walking away with a smirk on her face.

I looked at Andrew and he was looking at me. He smiled at me and sent me a small wave which I returned.

Jo's words has caused sinful thoughts to roam my mind. Thoughts that I probably shouldn't accommodate.

I sighed and threw one samosa in my mouth and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips when the taste hit my tongue.

"That good?" I nearly choked at the sound of his voice.

His hands flew to my back and began to run soothing circles on it. "Sorry, I didn't expect to shock you like that."

He handed me a bottle of water with the cap already off. I hurriedly dropped the plate I was holding and took the bottle of water from his hands then took a few gulps.

"Thank you," I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"You okay?" His hand stopped rubbing circles on my back but he didn't take his hand away.

"Yeah," I nodded but then I felt the embarrassment hit me. "Thanks again."

He just hummed in response and took the now half bottle of water from me and capped it, setting it beside the plate I was holding before.

"I can't believe they're married now," Andrew's eyes were on the varieties of finger foods on the table we were standing at.

"I know right." I looked at the dancing newly wedded couple.

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