Chapter One

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Miles' POV

As I processed this new information, a wave of emotions flooded through me. That day in her car, after, I realized we didn't use any protection and I wanted to speak to her about it but when she didn't bring it up, I just assumed that she was on contraceptives so I ruled every thought of her getting pregnant in my head.

Now discovering that she's pregnant, I don't know how to feel. I know I'm the father and I don't know how to feel about that.

Andrew is going to kill me that's for sure and we may not have another choice but to get married but that is definitely not what she wants. She loves Andrew and no matter what I give or show her, she'll always love him. I'm not contesting that with him but if we get married, she won't be happy, for a long time.

I looked at her and her face held emotions that got me doubting my thoughts, fear and uncertainty. I may not be the father but if I'm not, she wouldn't be telling me in front of Andrew.


I looked at Andrew and he didn't take his eyes off Victoria. All I could see on his face was joy, so much joy.

I looked back at Victoria and my brain slowly began to piece everything together.

She doesn't know who the father is.

Was she raped?

If she wasn't that means she slept with Andrew without protection around the same time we did too. This is officially messed up.

"You're pregnant,” Andrew stood up from his sit beside me and once again walked over to Victoria and claiming her lips. "You're pregnant," he repeated and held her face. "I'm so sorry, I was careless but you're pregnant." He looked down at her stomach.

Victoria smiled back before she started crying. She sniffed, "I'm sorry Andrew."

"What are you sorry for? Why are you crying."

She looked at me and Andrew's eyes met mine before he pulled away from her. "No," he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Don't tell me," Andrew shook his head in obvious disbelief.

"I'm not sure who," Victoria said, confirming my earlier thoughts.

Seconds passed before Andrew turned his back on Victoria and turned to me, his long strides meeting me in a second. I stood up and his fist connected with my jaw.

I held my face and didn't speak. He sure throws a mean punch, I can still remember what it felt like the last time he punched me, my jaw hurt me for a week, this one may be more than a week.

He gathered my shirt in his fists and pulled me to him, "you bastard!" He yelled before punching me again.

I still didn't speak as I looked at Victoria. She was pleading with me, apologizing for all this and silently begging for me not to react and start the fight that Andrew is definitely craving.

So for her sake I stood back and let Andrew punch me again. I guess I deserved it, for not being careful.

I was so blinded by my need to feel her that I had forgotten the one important thing, to use a condom. I had one in my wallet so it wasn't a case of not having one and getting scared that she would come back to her senses before I went to get one.

As if I knew something like this would happen, that was why I made sure she told me herself what she wanted, I needed to hear her say it so it wouldn't be like I forced myself on her. She and heaven can bear me witness on this.

Before Andrew could throw the fourth punch two guys, Victoria's friends I think Adrian and James came out of nowhere and held Andrew back, both of them telling him to calm down.

Victoria rushed to me, fear and regret written allover her face. She helped me to sit down while shouting at Funke to go get the first aid kit, Funke ran into the house.

"Miles, can you hear me?" She asked, bending in front of me.

"Yeah," I said holding her hand that held my face. "I'm sorry Victoria," I told her and I meant it. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen."

She shushed me, "No Miles, don't apologise. I'm also to blame in this, I should have been more careful."

"I'm really sorry," I repeated and wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes. "please don't cry."

Before she could speak again, Funke ran back out, holding the first aid kit. She set it on the floor in front of me and Victoria took it from there, opening it up.

"God, your lips and nose are bleeding," she studied my face. "I think your nose is broken."

I think so too, it hurts like a bitch.

"I'll get ice," Funke ran back into the house.

As Victoria was about to press the antisceptic covered wool to my cuts I held her hand. "I'll do it, go to him." I gestured to Andrew who was still fuming, his eyes set on Victoria and I.

She shook her head, "no, let me do this."

"Victoria, go and meet him, I can take care of myself or Funke will just help me, please." I pleaded and she slowly stood up.

She slowly made her way to Andrew, and Adrian and James walked away, at least he won't physically hurt her but the words he will say to her now will determine a lot of things.

I know how he feels because I've felt the same before, at least almost the same thing. A girl I dated back in college, she was already pregnant before she started dating me and so one day she showed up with a pregnancy test, saying that I was the one who got her pregnant.

At first I believed her even though I always used protection with her but it isn't a hundred percent safe. Long story short, I found out I wasn't the father and the pain I felt was so much because I loved her, more than anyone else.

Andrew shook his head as Victoria started speaking and stormed away, bumping into Funke on his way into the house. Victoria followed him.

Funke helped me clean up and not another word was spoken.


So much drama. *cue in dramatic sigh*

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Lots of love ♥️

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