Chapter Twenty Nine

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I decided I wanted to give birth in Nigeria. I didn't want to go back to Chicago and I didn't really like it in New York so we left.

It was a hasty decision but I was adamant on leaving despite the fact that my due date was just around the corner.

Miles has been so caught up with work, Ana has gone back to Chicago and mum and dad were in Nigeria so for the month and a few weeks, it's just been Andrew and I.

I had sat both Miles and Andrew  down and told them explicitly that I just wanted to be alone and both men completely understood. Andrew with me in New York as a friend and nothing more.

"Victoria," Andrew stopped walking.

I felt it, the water dripping down my legs.

Oh shit.

We were in the middle of the airport for God's sake!

Wrong timing baby, wrong timing!

I looked at Andrew with wide eyes and he looked calm, too calm.

Well I knew him better than anyone and I'm pretty sure he's freaking out on the inside but he's trying to act calm for my sake. Nothing is worse than both of us freaking out at the same time.

"We just need to get you to the car okay?" He said as he placed his arm on my back. "We're almost there."

"Stop lying to me Andrew, I know we're not almost there." I glared at him.

"What else do you want me to say?" He rolled his eyes. "Come on."

One of the security officers helped him and they made my getting to the car faster.

Everything from there was a blur because the next thing I could recognize was I was being rolled into the labor room with Andrew beside me.

"I think you should call my mum," I told him.

"I've called her, she's on the way." His hold on my hand tightened.

Here goes.


Andrew's POV

"I'm sorry, you can't-"

"Drew!" Victoria called and the nurse gave way for me to go in.

"I'm here, I'm here." I didn't even notice the nurses covering my body with whatever. All I know is I've seen this happen in movies.

My nerves were allover the place. I was about to become a father.

A mother fucking father.

I didn't even know how to keep a woman talk less of being a father.

I don't want to fuck things up, I really don't.

"Where's my mum?" She looked at me with wide eyes.

I could tell she was seriously panicking on the inside. I was panicking too and she was doing a better job at hiding hers. I just need her to calm down.

"She's on her way." I held her hand tighter and got her to look at me instead of the door. "Babe look at me, I'm here."

"I know you are, I just need my mother." She groaned, her lips pressing together.

"She's on her way babe, she's on her way. I just need you to calm down, I know your head is allover the place right now." I kissed her forehead. "I'm here with you."

She chuckled and she relaxed a little. "How do you know me so well?"

"Because I'm irrevocably in love with you." I smiled when she smiled.

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