Chapter Seventeen

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Andrew's POV

I didn't care that her boyfriend  just walked through the front door, I moved after her but before I could get to the foot of the stairs, Miles was in front of me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"Get out of the way Miles," I told him, not ready for any physical altercations but if he wanted one, I'll give him.

"You're in my house Andrew, so where the fuck are you going?" He rose his voice.

I sighed and stepped away. "To meet Victoria, now move."

We were fairly the same size so I could easily take him on but I know if I dared do it, Victoria would probably hate me more so I kept my rage in and looked between him and the stairs.

"I'm not letting you go near her." He stated.

"I was already near her before you barged through the door so fucking deal with it!" I wanted to throw something anything, especially at his face.

God I hated him!

"Why are you here Andrew?"

"She told me to come remember? Now will you get out of the way I need to talk to her." I pointed upstairs where I'm sure Victoria was balling her eyes out.

I really need to speak to her.

"No, she needs space." He said it as if he knew what was best for her.

"Miles I've known Victoria all my life, I know when she needs space from me or not so please move!" I pressed my palms together. I couldn't believe that I was begging this asshole.

"I'm not moving. If she wanted to see you, she'd be down here." I really needed to punch him, I really did.

"Fine, you don't want me to talk to her then you tell her of the deal we made." I stood in front of him.

He's not going to be able to do it because if he does, Victoria is going to be pissed at him, really pissed and she just might walk away from him. She may not turn to me but she will turn away from him.

"I'm not going to do that?" He shook his head.

"Oh really? Then you're a coward because you know how she's going to react and it's not going to be in your favor."

"It's not going to be in your favor either so what's the point here?" I could see his shield dropping.

He was scared of losing her just as I was. Now he knows how it feels.

"She deserves to know the truth, all of it and if you're not going to tell her, I will." I pointed upstairs.

He sighed. "I will tell her myself."

"Will you really?" I looked away then back at him.

"I will. But you need to back off, I'll handle this myself."

"I'm not backing off from her Miles, not again. I'm not that stupid anymore." I heard a door upstairs close and we both looked at the stairs, expecting Victoria to show up any moment.

"You need to leave Andrew." He whispered now.

Her footsteps were heard loudly on the floor as she descended the stairs and stopped at the foot of it.

I didn't want to get Victoria worried especially at her condition so I sighed and looked at her. "Fine," I gave her an apologetic smile and walked out of the house.

As I stepped out I sent him a message on WhatsApp.

You have three days.

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