The Gates of hell

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Ash and I walked to our table and pulled out out Ipods, he started to play a game while i searched for ear buds in my mess of a bag. Once I found them I put one in and started to play the song Walking diaster by Sum 41. I can honestly say its one of the best songs ever. " Hey, Jess.... do you think Allison is okay?" Ash asked quietly, I just sighed and answered him honestly. " I don't know, I hope she is though." He just sighed and went back to his game. I scrolled threw my pictures untill I found the one poem from Perks of Being a Wallflower. The book was the reason Allison and I started talking a few years ago. We had to read it in Grade 6 and everyone else hated the book, we on the other hand loved it and got into a heated discussion about how Charlile is honestly just broken and is to scared to show it untill it was to late. Soon the hells bells statred going off and Ash yanked me off the bench and grabbed my bag. We trudged to the doors and went in.

Class was boring as always, we basically ended up dicking around online and sending stupid shit to each other. I on the other hand was on youtube watching Johnnie Guilbert and Ash was watching Adventure Time on his Ipod. I sometimes think he's a 3 year old trapped in a 13 year olds body. Sarah the head preppy, girly girl with a disgusting amount of make up ( That made her really look like a stripper) walked over and said something but I was to busy looking at Johhnie Guilbert beating up a Bryan Starz to pay attention. Our teacher Mr. Garrison then came over and tapped my shoulder. " They need you in the office for a moment Jessica." He said and I nodded and paused my video. Ash gave me a hopefull look and I just smiled and made my way down to the office.

" Hi Jess." Our reseptionest Mrs. Bradburn said and I smiled and said " Hello." She pointed to the back room and said " Go in there." I walked over and I saw the principal and a new kid? It was November so it makes some sense. " Hi, Jessica, this is Jeffery you will be showing him around today." I smiled and he smiled back. He has ginger hair and light brown eye's. Once he got up I realized he's really fricken tall. " He is in your class but I would like it if you showed him where the bathrooms, gym, and music room are. " I nodded my head and replied with " Sure, let's go Jeff." He snikered and we walked out of the office. " So.. since we both know each others names want to get to know each other?" He said and put an arm around me. I admit he's attractive but like I'm not that easy. That damn flippy hair of his, and he seemed cool. " Can you not have your arm around me please?" I ask and he laughs " Playing hard to get, I see how it is."

I shook my head and I just brought him to class and sat back down at my computer. " Jess, Jeffery will be sitting at you and Ash's table." Mr. Garrison says and I kinda wanted to scream no, but held back and just shut up. He pulled a seat up next to me and I put my ear buds back in and watched Johnnie and Bryan. Jeff tapped my shoulder and I took a headphone out. " Mind of I watch with you? I 'm a big fan of Johnnie." I looked at him shoked but gave him my other ear bud. We both laughed as Johnnie tripped over the camera and Bryan saying stupid shit. Eventually we made it to the end of the day and I grabbed my bag only to have Jeff freak out and say " MCR IS THE BEST!" We both walked home and I found out he only lives 1 street away from me.

Monsters in my headDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora