Hugs not drugs

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Jessica's POV
It's been a month since ash and Allison came back. But mentally they both weren't there. It's been hard because if Anyone makes a sudden movement in front of them they freak out a little and try to hide. this has happened a few times now. Ash try's to help Allison a lot because she gets scared by a lot of sudden movements. and she found a guy she likes.... but he keeps hurting her. he played with her emotions, and then she got pissed about 1 thing and he up and left. he won't respond to her texts or even look at her in public. an she told him everything. so she's heart broken again. I just have to try and be there, but I can hardly function myself. My eating is worse than ever. there's days I go with out eating a thing and i still can't lose any weight.... Though my stomach gets like hell sometimes because of it. I guess I'm relapsing into it again or some shit.
" Jess... " I hear Ash say and I look over at him. " Sup?" I ask " I've been calling your name for the last 3 minuets.... are you okay?" I smile and say "yup just deep in thought I guess." he chuckled lightly and smiled "you always seem to be deep in thought." "Hey!!!!" I hear someone call out and then Allison came in with blood shot eyes and a bottle of whiskey. " WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!!?" Ash and I yell at the same time. "Welllll the guy I've been hanging out with.. the really adorable one with the cute curly hair, and really pretty greenish blue eyes, he said I should loosen up a bit and ya. " Ash went over and picked her up. " are you baked?" he asked and she giggled ad poked his cheek. " Like a cake!" she yelled and then had a fit of giggles. I shake my head and sigh. ash brought her over to the couch and she soon passed out.

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