Not knowing

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She just caught me red handed looking at her intensely during our ride at the lift. That was quite a creep.

Scolding my inner self.

The moment I saw her this morning. I saw her bare face and I was astonished by it. Not everyone is that gorgeous when you have no make up on.

But when I saw her face for the first time, she was the definition of ethereal beauty.

For the first time in my entire life I stuttered in front of a woman.

I was the easy talker of the group back in my military days. Well things change and Infront of a beauty,I really made fun of myself.

The moment we got of the lift, I rush to her room and checked everything and walked out of the room.I closed the door without me saying a word.

I walk b to the other room with the guys and me are staying.

They we're monitoring the CCTV that was installed earlier that was put across the hall to secure Miss Kim stay in the Hotel.

For extra precaution.

"Carlos!? Can you do me favor!?" I asked the man.

"What is it Lis, anything!". He said immediately.

"Can we swap for awhile!?, I just don't feel good right now!," I lied to him. He looked at me like I'm up to something but obliged and stand to walked to the door towards Miss Kim's front door.

I looked at the monitor.. Carlos was standing at Miss Kim's Hotel Room and suddenly He knocks on the door. Miss Kim opened the door and talked for a little bit and closes it afterwards.

As Carlos was standing outside the door.

He was smiling looking at the camera that was set-up in the hallway. He was taunting me. He knows I would be looking.

He knows something was up to me. I never abandon my post no matter what.

That was new to me though which is quite funny for them to see.

It was like I was in the battle but was defeated and retreated.

I was standing while holding my chin and crossing my hand across my chest while looking intensely at the monitor.

I was startled when a there was hard pat on my shoulder.

"What you looking at!?". It was James. I forgot he was there in the room with Carlos.

"Noo....nothing"..I answered with a shaky voice..

He looked at me with a crooked smile.

"What!?".. I asked Him.

He just put both of his hands up in the air and goes to the mini fridge across the room.

He got a 2 cans in his hand and toss the other one to me..

"Drink Lis,just chill for awhile, You seemed to be so tense lately.".. I just looked at him while holding a can of beer on my hand.

He is walking towards the bed and then leaned his back towards the headboard of the bed, and open his beer and taking a sip from it.

"Thanks, I guess". As I sat down on the chair Infront of the monitor..

"Jennie ,Jennie Kim, Wow! She quite a beauty, Right Lis!?"...I turned back to look at him..The dork is smiling like a teenager..

"Your Married before you forget idiot" I reminded him. Pointing at his ring finger on his left hand.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Yes, she is" I answered him.

"and definitely your type of woman" while he points at me holding a beer..

" and what type could that be!?"..

"Well for starter,she is one hell of a hot chick, and that body Lis,..Urgghh...and she's Asian and she's Korean.. That's your dream girl"..

"I remember when you said you would definitely settle down with an Asian woman, all the culture and stuff right!?"..

" That's when I am drunk dumbass, I can't remember things after that night". He was looking at me laughing..

" Well as what they says, A drunk mind speaks a sober heart"..He said to me with a keen look.

" Wow! are you drunk already James!?, Big words from the almighty Sgt. James Smith"..

Before I knew it He throws a pillow at me. which I fortunately dodge which hit the monitor in the table.

"You know what Lis, We should go out sometimes with the guys,. after this, we are going to be dragging you out from the shithole you are living.., why are you keeping yourself in there by d way, !?..."

"you should get laid man"..

" That shithole is my apartment dumbass and I am loving it. It has it flaws but it's still a roof over my head though".

" Lis, why don't you just go back to Thailand bro! and..". I put my hand to make him stop what he is about to say..

" James, please, man don't go there, I don't want to hear or discuss another fucking word about that..". He looked at me worried but he shut his mouth.

He definitely knew why I don't want to discuss everything about my past.

He stand up and tap my shoulder..

"Sooner or later bud! you just have to face the past that you are running away from,.We are just worried about you". He walks towards the fridge to fetch another beer which he open it and drank it immediately.

I rub both of my hands on my face and lossen the black tie on my neck.

"I'm sorry James, lashing on you like that.. Just can't helped it okay!?, Sooner I know I have to faced it though"..

And there was silence....

and James suddenly spoke while walking towards me with an empty beer can on his hand throwing it to the trash bin beside the table.

"By the way Lis!? How's your mom!?". He asked and I suddenly froze. I miss her so much. She was the only one that understands me. My fortress and my weakness.

"She doing good, I guess, I have not heard from hear for a month now" I told him. He just nod.

As I was about to stand up.. I heard a commotion..

I looked at the monitor and It was Miss Kim outside her room clinging to Carlos for her dear life..

What the heck just happen.. Me and James rushed out of our room towards Carlos and Miss Kim ..

In The MiddleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora