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After Lisa cook me a very delicious meal.

I thank her and she began to clean the counter top. I was very curious  because she became silent all of a sudden which was very odd.

I looked at her while she turned 
around. She looked very flushed. Maybe she's  not feeling well.

"Lisa? Are you alright?" I asked her.

She was shocked why I'd asked her. She looked at me and nod.

She was washing the utensils the she used in preparing the meal earlier.

"Lisa your great cook! Urrgghh..I'm so full, thank you very much for a very delicious meal" I said while rubbing my belly.

"Your welcome, I appreciate that you like it". She said while continuing what she was doing.

I stand up and gather the bowl that I have eaten the great meal with.

I stand beside Lisa on the sink and the clumsy old me was about to put the bowl on the sink when Lisa suddenly turned sideways.

And seems the world stops.

We are both looking each other. Our faces are inches away.

Her breathing is getting heavier. I can feel her warm breath on my face.

I looked at her eyes, she has a very pretty doe-eyes.

While I was looking at her.

I saw something in her  eyes that I can explained. It so new to me. It's like her eyes is saying something that the mouth can't speak.

I never knew someone looked at me like that. Not even Kai.

She looked at my eyes,and my nose and she stopped on my lips.

I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted a taste. I know she wants it too..

Then she was about to move her face closer to mine. She was lovingly looking at my cherry colored lips and I immediately closed my eyes waiting for that plump lips of hers to touch mine..

All hell break loose when suddenly something falls on the floor and splattered all over.

Which made both of us startled at the same time. The bowl that I was holding was broken on the floor.

Which made us stop on what we are about to do.

I hold my hand on my chest because things like that scared me a lot. Lisa was so fast to pick up all the broken glass on the floor.

"Jennie don't move okay!" She got a cloth on the counter and wipe it on the floor and gather small pieces of broken glass.

I was still putting my hand on my chest looking at Lisa do the work.

For that almost lip locking session to almost giving me a heart attack happens in just seconds.

"Jennie are you okay!? " she asked me after dumping all it on the trash bin.

"I'm fine" I told her as I slowly walked to sit down on the couch on the living room.

"Okay!" She said and she continue to wash everything on the kitchen and turned off the light after.

I was watching her the whole time. It's  like nothing just happened a moment ago before the fiasco of my dropping the bowl on the floor.

"Do you need something else Jen!?"which I just shook my head which means no.

She just goes from 100 to 0 like nothing happened.

"Is it okay if I hit the hay first!? I'm kinda dizzy,Maybe this is jetlagged from the flight that's taking toll at me" she was nervously said to me. Her voice cracked at the end.

"It's  okay, I just needed a minute in here." Which she just nod and walked to the spare room I have offered her earlier.

She was walking kinda odd. She keeps adjusting her pants. Which made my eyebrows furrowed while looking at her.

"Goodnight Lisa" I whispered to myself while she closed her door.

"I needed a drink" I stand up and goes to the bar to get the whiskey which Mr. Park drank earlier..

What is happening to me I asked myself.

That night I didn't noticed that I drank myself to sleep. I ended up sleeping at my bed with my clothes changed. Which was odd because the last I remember was I was on the couch drinking.

I hold my head with both my hands slightly gripping my hair.My head is pounding. I started to sit on my bed.

As I was about to stand up I noticed that my legs were bare. I remembered I was wearing a short last night. Now I'm just wearing my panties.

I looked up on my shirt.

"What the hell" I am not wearing a bra underneath,only this loosed white shirt that covers just above my knees..

“Oh! My! God”...

Why I kept torturing my self with alcohol.

I would never drink again.


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