Blast from the Past

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The weather is hot and the sun is high above the sky. Me and three others of my colleagues is travelling on a secluded area.

Behind us is another military vehicle. We are on a convoy. The road is sandy and seems like a ghost town. People look at us while we pass by.

"I will marry this girl when we are done here." said one of guy in military uniform the backseat. I am on the front seated with beside the driver on a Humvee.

"Dude! Married life is not suited to you" said the other one laughing.

This two is just like to kids having there tiny little fights.

I looked out the window and I pull out my necklace out. Rubbing it with my thumb and forefinger, it a habit that I get used to when I have lots of things in my mind.

It's been 3 years in service since I joined the military. My team are on a mission to track a dangerous Terrorist who is known for there explosives.

As we pass by I saw a woman on a red hijabs looking at us and waving her hands like she was saying goodbye.

A moment pass..

A loud blast was all I have heard. The moment I looked at my team we are on the air. The vehicle is up in the air. Everything is in moving in slow motion.. Broken glasses are flying. I saw my colleagues being tossed out of the vehicle. And we landed on the ground.The vehicle landed upside down the front of the Humvee is a wrecked.

I looked at my team. God! Blood everywhere.

I looked at my chest. There is blood. I unstrapped my vest a metal has made it's way to my right side of the chest.

I heard one from the other vehicle was in the radio. Asking for medic and everything went black..

"Lisa! Lisa! Wake up" I opened my eyes it was Somi. I sat down and I wiped the sweats all over my face.

"What is happening to you!?" she said looking at me worried.

"Just having a bad dream" I hold my head with both my hands.

"I'll get you a glass of water" Somi walks out of her bedroom. When did I get here!?

I opened the duvet that is draping from my waist the down. I have no underwear. What the f...

Somi came back with a glass of water. It's that when I noticed she is just wearing a white t-shirt and a white lacey underwear.

She puts down the glass of water on the bedside table and I hold her wrist.

I gulp for air and looked at her.

"Somi! Did something happen last night!?"

"What do you think!?" she looked so serious and pull her hands of my grasp.

And walks to her bedroom closet.

"Somi! I'm so sorry!, I can't remember anything" When I said that she has this look that I can't explain and then  she hysterically laughing out loud. Which kinda odd and confusing.

"What's so funny!?"

"Nothing, happen you idiot!" she said crossing her hand on her chest and leaned on the door. She is smiling but her eyes says otherwise.I saw hurt in her eyes.

"How do you explain this, and you just wearing that!?" I said pointing to my crotch and to her just in underwear.

"You were puking everywhere last night, you are drench in vomit Lis and that is so disgusting urgghhhh.." she shivers as told the story. That is embarrassing.

In The Middleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें