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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I was shouting like a lunatic which made Lisa runs to my room and rushed to open the door.

"Hey! What happen!? Are you okay!?". She said so worriedly. She was walking towards me.

"Did something  happen last night between you and me, answer me!!?". She put her hands on to stop me because I was about to throw a lamp from my bedside  to her.

Praṇām xārmṇ̒ r̂xn meụ̄̀x khuṇ korṭh”(Damn! your hot when your angry)  she spoked randomly in Thai which I can't even understand a single bit of it. Which made me more furious.

"Jennie, Jennie,,please, please!!! put that thing down!!let me explain" which made me put the lamp that I was holding. I cross my hand over my chest while waiting for her to talk.

"First I want to say to you that nothing happens between the two of us!" That's a relief.

" I would never take advantage to any woman like that" she explained.

" I came out at the middle of the night and you are so drunk on the couch, I was about to pick you up to get you on your room when you puke all over me and your clothes" I rub my face with both of my hands. This is embarrassing.

"I thought I have no choice but to undress and change you, don't you worry, I didn't even touch you inappropriately, "

" and how do you explained why I wasn't wearing any bra then!?"

"Oh that! When we both entered the room. You kinda were stripping out of your clothes, you tossed it on the floor and I just hurried to my room to get my shirt to cover you that way it's loose so it's easy for me to put in on you,and I don't  know were the hell your clothes are!!! Don't worry I didn't see anything. ” I just looked at her.

“I Swear to you Jen, your room was dark I promise ." I looked at her suspiciously, but she seems sincere  on everything  she said.

That's so good to hear”.

Which is a great relief on my part.

I sat down on my bed and drank the glass of water that was placed on my bedside table.

She must have put it in there.

After awhile...

"Lisa! What time is it!?" I said as I was about to lay on my bed.

"It's half pass 9 in the morning Jen!"  She said while she glanced at her wrist watch on her hand.

"Oh! Shoot! I got a meeting to attend at 9 o'clock in the morning, why you didn't  wake me up". I said as I go to the bathroom to check my face.

" I didn't know! Mr. Park didn't  called me. He said I will be on duty not until the next day so I didn't bother to wake you up.” she said

Lisa is picking up something on my floor as I got out from the bathroom.

It was my bright red brazier. Which I snatched it from her hand quickly. It's quite embarrassing.

It was half pass 10 o'clock when I got out of my apartment. Mr. Wang accompanied me with my other bodyguard.

While Lisa said she is going to look at the apartment that Mr. Park arrange for her.And will be back to get her things after she have arrange the lease of that apartment.

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