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Everything this night just kinda odd.

I can't puzzle everything  up.  From Lisa talking to Bam like they both know each other and the way she acted after.

I realized I don't know anything about her. Even a single one. We have doing this thing a couple of months now but she doesn't open up a single story of her life.

I know she's Thai but all I know is that she came out from military service 2 years ago and that's it.

The rest is history.

Am I really this dumb? Sharing my intimate moments with her without even knowing who she really is.

All hell break loose when we were about to celebrate the success of the  night.

I don't know what really happen. But all I heard was a thud on the wall and the next thing I saw is Kai holding Lisa on the wall.

What the heck is this fiasco? I though they were both chill about each other. Kai apologize already to her.

I saw her walked out the door which I can't stand and just followed her.

Where are you going!?" I Asked her.

"Oh! I forgot to asked permission from you!" All of a sudden with that sarcastic attitude.

"What the heck is the problem huh!?" That really starts the fire within me.

"Ask your fiancee!" why the heck h
is she blaming all this to Kai. Am I being oblivious?

I just shook my head in disbelief what I'm hearing.

"Lis!? I have lots of question of what happen this night, the moment you just took 30 minutes to go to the bathroom, the way you talked with Bam, and now this one!?" I can't hold it back there is a lot of thing in my mind.

"What are you hiding from me!?"
I can see the worries in her eyes.

I can help but put my hand and caressed her face.

I Know our relationships is taking a toll on her. I'm just selfish.

I don't want to lose her.

We both got startled when we hear the entrance door open. We both distance ourselves.

It was my Father approaching us.

My heart just can't help it. It starts to beat even faster.

"What's happening here!?" he said with a inquisitive look.

"Nothing dad!, Me and Lisa are just talking about something, go back there and I will be right back."
I said to my dad.

He noticed me followed Lisa.

He just back away and went inside and shut the door shut.

"Come with me!" I felt so defeated because right now she wants me to choose. I just bowed my head and let go of her hand.

"I can't and you know that Lis!?, I just can't." I know backing away a little bit answers  it all,that I can't be with her tonight.

She opened the car and got her bag and reached for her pocket.

It was the car keys.

She puts it on my hand.

"Let your Fiancee drive you home, okay!?" She's  smiling but her eyes are in verge of crying and it breaks me that I can't do anything.

"No! Take the Car!" I said to her.

"No! Jennie, you owned the car and I'm just an employee, it would be weird If I took it" What the heck that means? We both know she is more than that.

In The MiddleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ