三十五 | Lucky Quinn

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Your POV

I heard gunfire was shot. Blood splattering on Shion's face and the guy who pointed a rifle at Shion fell. And at the same time, the woman who pointed her gun at me shot, piercing a wound on my chest. My breath hitched at the impact. The pain was sharp, piercing through my spine. As the woman rushed towards me, another gunfire was released. It hit my left shoulder. And another one has shot again. Except for this time, it pierced through her head, leaving her cold on the floor with a lifeless stare at me.

The guy, who strangled my neck, used his thumb to press on the bullet planted in my chest. Causing me to groan as I helplessly tried to gasp for air. "Who.... sent you?" Barely uttering a word as his arm keep choking me to death, his thumbs kept pushing the bullet to shut my mouth. The sharp pain was making me bite my cheeks, trying to hold onto my life and suddenly, his straining arms softened.

Gasping a big air into my lungs, Shion came running to me, hugging me tightly.

"Ren, do you remember me?"

A woman's voice came into my comms. Though, it wasn't lilly's. "Is this who I think it is?" Breathing heavily and gritting my teeth, Shion kept her tight hug around me.

"Ugh... Shion, don't... too tight... it hurts." Shion's backed away a little bit and caressed the wound on my left chest. "Too-san..."

"It's been what—13 years? Wow, that's a very long time ago."

"Who are you?" I asked through the comms, "how are you getting into my comms?"

"You really don't remember me? You don't remember the person who saved your life? You must be getting old."

This woman laughed and it made me even more confused. "Too-san, who are you talking to?" I pointed into my glasses frame as Shion rubbing my chest to wipe the blood on me. "Shion, don't rub it too hard. It—"

Shion nodded and continued to wipe the wound gently with my shirt.

"It's me. Clara Lille. You idiot."

So it's her, Clara Lille. Blume's hacktivist. "Are you here to kill me?" As I said that to the comms, Shion's eyes widened and brows were lifting. "TOO-SAN, WHO'S HERE TO KILL YOU?! LET ME—"

"Where did that come from? Her voice is cute. Is that your daughter?

"KICK THEIR ASS FOR YOU!!" I chuckled at Shion's rage and held her to calm her down. "Daijoubu, Shion. Too-san will be alright."

"Hey, can you two not speak in Japanese? I don't understand what you're saying."

"What do you want, Clara? Money?"

"What?! No! I'm here to save your ass, idiot. Kenney made me promise to save your ass if you're ever in trouble. And I thought, how could the best contract killer be in trouble, but seems like I was wrong. Kenney was right. You are an idiot as much as you're a genius."

"That comments hurt but I'll take it." Coughing out blood as I tried to stand up with the help of Shion and the other hostages, I escorted all of them out of the building.

The building is clear. You can proceed with the extraction.

"By the way, where are you sniping from?" The pain in my chest was throbbing as I'm going down the stairs to lead the hostages out of the building.

"Bathurst Western dental. To your left."

I looked outside of the window and saw a laser pointer directed at me. "Is that you?"

"Yes, I just turned on my laser."


Mina's POV

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