二十九 | 誕生日 (Birthday)

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Mina's POV

In his arms, I sat down, leaning myself on his chest while we mesmerized our eyes with the glimmers of lights from the city of Moscow. Today's his birthday, he didn't request anything specific. Shion, however, joined us tonight, sitting beside us while Ren holds me in his arms. "The lights are beautiful." Shion murmured which caught our attention.

I looked over to Shion looking outside of the window and then, turned to look up at his face curving a small smile. I planted a soft kiss on his chin to grab his attention and surely, it did. He looked at me with his smile as I saw his eyes sparkly reflecting the lights from outside. The dim lighting of our room made things more comfortable, and the moment more precious.

He gave back the kiss on my head, and "you know what, Minari." He asked in which I hummed softly, "sometimes I wake up and pinch myself to check whether this is a dream or not." He breathed a chuckle while I reached to cup his face and smiled. "Yume ja nai yo, Kurogami." I carefully ran my thumb in circles on his cheek. "And to this day, I'm still afraid to lose you, Minari."

"Watashi mo, Kurogami." I can feel his arms moving to tighten his hugs around me while he nuzzles around my ear. I can feel his breath softly caressing my ear, sending shiver all over me while I unconsciously bite my lip. "Even after 17 years, I'm still madly in love for you." He slowly planted kisses on my ear while nibbling sometimes. "I want you, all of you. Your flaws, your beauty, just your everything." He slowly moved his kissing towards my neck as I can feel a hitch to my breath.

"The way you smile, the sound of your giggles, the way you pout, the way you yell at me, they're all precious to me."

"And you're my greatest gift, Minari." He whispered breathlessly into my ear and then, continues with the kissing on my neck. "Since I get to know you, you're my obsession. I want to hug you, I want to caress your back and say, 'don't worry, I got you'." He started talking about my anxiety and I was certain that a tear was falling from my eye. "I may not be a superman, but I wanted to be one just for you."

"I'm also not a poet, but I wanted to write verses that told stories about you. How you walk, how your expression changes quickly from happy to sad. How you stare at me with those beautiful brown eyes, how you make me feel." His kissing stopped and I turned to see his eyes glimmering with tears. "I am more than happy to meet an angel like you. Temperate and loving. Kind and caring. Smart yet she overthinks. Brave but also fearful at times."

He breathed a shaky sigh, and I feel his palm is cupping my face. "Don't cry, Minari." I didn't expect him to say all those words on his birthday. "Zurui, Kurogami. This your birthday, but why does it feel like I'm the one that's receiving a gift." He slowly curved a smile while he erased the tears that had stained my cheek. "And since when you're good with poetry, when I'm the one that reads a lot of poems." I softly breathed a chuckle, "ah... soune. But it was all from my heart, Minari."

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