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"Now, class, we're going to work in pairs for this one." Phil said, "Pick your partners."

George gazed around the classroom and saw that everyone had found their partners, except for four people, him, Dream, one girl from slytherin he knew as Minx and Livia, Dream's now ex-girlfriend.

"Want to be partners?" Dream asked, turning his head to face george.

"Sure," George said, looking tiredly into Dream's eyes.

To say the least, George was quite surprised when he saw Livia walking up to them.

"Back off, rat, me and Dream are grouping together." she hissed, slamming her palms onto Georges desk and leaning in to seem more threatening.

The fuck. "No, actually. He was just asking me if I wanted to work with him." George snapped back.

She looked at Dream with a disappointed look, obviously making the dirty blonde uncomfortable. "Babe, I thought we were working together." she frowned.

"And I thought you broke up. Now leave." George said, waving her off with his hand.

"Ugh, ew. I don't get what's so special about you." she said and turned back around, walking to where she previously sat, next to Minx.

"That was hot." Dream said, smirking at the brunette next to him.

George's face reddened and his face felt like it was on fire due to how hot it was. "Uh- thanks?" George said and adjusted his glasses so they wouldn't fall off.


"Class is done for today, make sure you have all of your things before you leave the classroom." Phil said as the class started piling out.

Dream stood up from his seat and bent down to grab his backpack from under the table and speed walked out of the classroom, looking for Quackity.

He walked around the halls, looking for his friend so he wouldn't have to go by himself to their next class of the day.

He spotted him after a few minutes by one of the water fountains at the school, talking to karl.

What the fuck was it with Quackity, Karl and Sapnap? Whatever.

He walked up to them and put his hand on Quackity's shoulder, startling the black haired boy a little by the gesture.

"Hey, Q," he said, resting his elbow on his shorter friend's shoulder.

"Hey, D," Quackity said, looking away from Karl for a second, "I'm not an armrest by the way." he said as he shrugged Dream's arm off his shoulder.

"Yeah, sorry dude," Dream said, smiling brightly, "Ready to go to class?"

"Yeah, bye, Karl! I'll see you later!" Quackity called as he walked by Dream's side to their next class.

"You like him." Dream pointed out as they reached their next class.

"What? No I don't." Quackity said.

"Right," Dream said, severely unconvinced.

"And you like george, but I don't say anything about that, hm?" Quackity said.

"Shut up." Dream said, his face sprinkling with a pink tint.


George yawned obnoxiously and stretched his arms over his head.

It was the last class of the day and George was about to fall asleep.

He was not excited to be a prefect due to having to guard the common room at night and making sure that no one would stay up after curfew.

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