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TW: violence, blood

The platform flooded with families since it was the day to go back to Hogwarts.

Thankfully not as many as the first day of the school year since not every student went home for the holidays, but most of them did.

Eleanor ran her hand over George's cheek, her hand rubbing down to her son's shoulder.

The boy's parents wrapped him in one final hug, Eleanor pulling his head lower to kiss her son's forehead.

"Mum," George whined, pullling away from his parents' grip.

"We love you, Georgie," Robert said, pulling the boy into a tighter hug.

"Love you too," George mumbled, his face flushing in embarrassment. "I've got to go. I'll miss the train!"

"Okay," his father mumbled, letting go of him.

"It's not like I'm leaving forever," George assured them. "You know I'll be back in June."

"Yes, honey," Eleanor said.

"Alright, George. Go. Remember to send us letters!" Robert reminded, pushing the cart with George's trunk.

"Yes, I'll write you letters," George sighed, jumping slightly when someone bumped into his back, causing him to stumble slightly into the front of his parents.

He turned his head around quickly, his hunched shoulders slacking down at the sight of his boyfriend.

"Are you ready to go, George?" Dream asked, shooting the brunette a smile. "Sorry 'bout that, I didn't mean to bump into you."

Robert sent a joking glare to the blonde. "Make sure to look after each other. Stay safe, boys."

"Dad! Ugh!" George groaned. "We're going. Bye, mum! Bye dad!"

"Bye, Mrs. and Mr. Davidson," Dream said politely, shooting the couple a wide smile.

"Bye, boys," Eleanor said, waving the pair as her husband wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Goodbye," George said, turning around and following the blonde inside the train.

It didn't take them a while to find a cabin since not everyone was going back home, due to the fact that some people stayed home during Christmas.

They found an empty cabin, put their trunks up onto the iron railing above the seats, sitting down next to each other.

The door to the cabin slid open after a short while of the two chatting, Karl and Sapnap appearing in the doorway.

"Hey, guys!" Karl said happily, a bright smile on his face.

"Hi," Dream said.

Karl and Sapnap put their bags on the railing above the seats opposite Dream and George, taking a seat underneath it afterwards.

"How was Christmas?" George asked, tiredly rubbing his eyes as he sat up, leaning his head off Dream's shoulder.

"It was great, you know. Me and Sapnap spent the whole break together," Karl said.

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