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Another quidditch match. Yayy!!

Today it was slytherin versus hufflepuff, so Dream wouldn't be sitting with them in the audience since he was his houses' captain.

It had been a few weeks after George's thing with Theo, he still wasn't sure what it was.

After his and Dream's evening together, he really didn't feel like he wanted to do this with Theo.

Sure, Theo was nice, good looking and had good intentions from what George learned.

But George didn't feel interested in him like he was interested in Dream, he had no clue why.

There just was something there for Dream that wasn't there for Theo, bad or good it didn't matter.

George had of course bumped into Theo more often, Theo had invited him to things again but George always declined, saying he had too much homework and other lies like that.

This morning Dream hadn't attended breakfast, maybe because he was nervous or he was just busy, George didn't know.

But he still had the rest of his friends, not Quackity tho, he was playing on the game too, but it didn't help the feelings he had for Dream, and that he wanted to be around the blonde.

"Let's sit over there," Karl said, his arm wrapped around Sapnap's bicep with George walking a bit behind them.

For the first- no whatever. He was going to say that this was the first time he was third wheeling but that would've been wrong since they had all been friends since first year.

And yes, Karl and Sapnap had always been a little too... you know.

They sat down, eyes set on the court. George's at least.

Especially once the teams flew onto the court.

George's pupils widened as Dream flew onto the court, his blonde hair flowing violently in the wind, probably blocking his eyesight slightly.

His nose and cheeks were red tinted, probably because of the gist of wind blowing at his face as he entered the field.

The blonde's eyes scanned the audience, settling on George once he found him and flashing him an even wider smile than his face was already carrying.

George smiled back softly, giving the boy a small wave which he subtly returned.

The rest of both of the teams flew onto the field, Quackity included.

He flew in with a cocky grin, his signature beanie basically glued into the top of his head.

Karl and Sapnap chuckled as he waved to them obnoxiously, George chuckling slightly as well.

George nudged Karl, gaining the taller's attention.

"What?" Karl asked cluelessly.

"You're not rooting for your own house? How rude," George said sarcastically, earning an eye roll from Karl.

"I like Dream and Quackity better, I'm on team slytherin for today," Karl said with a smile.

"Me too!" Sapnap perked up, pointing his finger up.

"Of course you are, Sapnap, you're like in love with Dream," George said, Karl giggling.

Sapnap scoffed. "Of course I am. He's so hot, who wouldn't?"

"Oh, shut up, you idiot," Karl said, nudging Sapnap's shoulder.

"What? Is there something between you guys?" George asked. "Did I touch a nerve?"

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