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Dream was smiling the whole way to their house, so Quackity, being Dream's best friend, knew something was up.

Nothing bad though, he hoped, or Dream maybe wouldn't be smiling like such an idiot.

"What, did you make a move on George or something?" Quackity asked, his tone flat and his face straight.

Dream's eyes shot wide open and he turned his head to face the ravenette. "What? No! Why would you think that?"

"So you did?" Quackity said with a smirk, glancing up at the taller.

"No I didn't," Dream tried to assure, which was obviously not working.

"You didn't? Your face tells otherwise," Quackity said, pointing his finger at the blonde's red face.

Dream's face went even redder and he brought his hands up to cover his blush. "No it doesn't. Shut the fuck up."

Quackity laughed. "Then why the heck are you covering your face, idiot?"

"Oh my gosh, I hate you." Dream said and shoved the shorter boy's shoulder.


George walked into the ravenclaw common room, and as he gazed his eyes around he noticed the room was almost empty apart from a few people sitting on the couches.

Since he did not feel like going up to the dorm's bedrooms and he was bored, he sat down on one of the couches, beside Niki who was chatting with Wilbur.

"Oh, hi, george!" she greeted with her soft voice when she felt the brunette sit down and she turned to the side to see him.

"Hi, Niki," George said, smiling softly at her.

"How are you doing, George?" Wilbur asked from where he sat on one of the armchairs.

"I'm fine, thank you," George said. "How are you two?"

Niki and Wilbur looked at each other before both of them looked back at george.

"I'm good," Niki said, smiling softly at him.

"Yeah, me too. Thanks for asking," Wilbur said.

George nodded and looked down to the floor, the two others going back to what they were talking about.

He apparently had zoned out for a bit when he felt Niki tap his shoulder.

The brunette blinked and looked over at her. "We were going to head to dinner, we were just thinking if you wanted to tag along?" she offered.

George nodded and stood up as well as Wilbur and Niki, and the three walked out of the common room and headed towards the great hall.

Once they had arrived at the hall they took their seats by the ravenclaw table, each of them putting something onto their plate.


As Dream walked into the great hall with Quackity by his side, the shorter boy going on about something the taller wasn't listening to.

Of course, the first thing he noticed was George sitting with Niki and Wilbur. It caught him by surprise since the brunette didn't really show up to the scheduled meals often.

He watched as the shorter males shoulders shook, probably because he was laughing, and couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy spark in his stomach.

But he ignored it, and walked with Quackity to their house's table, both of them sitting down and the black haired male finally shutting up once he started eating.

The dinner went by quickly and before Dream knew it, he was on his way to meet up with George in the prefects washrooms.

Carrying a change of clothes with a towel slung over his shoulder, as well as a pair of swim trunks in his other hand, he made his way down the corridors of the large castle.

After a few minutes of walking, he arrived outside the washroom and said the password so he could enter, obviously getting it right, and went inside, expecting George to be there already.

George had always been one to arrive early or exactly on time when they were younger, Dream expected him to be the same now. But, of course, people change.

Dream shrugged it off and started stripping his clothes from his body, throwing them all into a pile on the floor.

Just as he was taking his boxers off, the door to the washroom opened, the blonde's head snapping to the side where George now stood.

The brunette boy's cheeks were flushed red as he slapped his hand over his eyes and turned around.

Dream hurried to put his swimming trunks on and wiped the palm of his hands over his face, sighing at how hot his face was and how red he must've looked.

"You- you can turn back around now," Dream mumbled, his voice carrying an ashamed tone in it.

George nodded and slowly turned around, still holding his hand over his eyes but peeking out through his fingers to make sure Dream didn't have his cock out anymore.

Or if he did have his cock out, depends on how you look at it.

George sighed of relief once he didn't see the blondes penis anymore, only seeing that he now had swimming shorts on.

"Okay, nice," George sighed. "Where should I take my clothes off?"

Dream shrugged. "Go into one of the stalls or something? I don't know."

The brunette nodded and carried his things into one of the bathroom stalls as the taller went into the bath in the middle of the washroom, waiting for George to get in as well.

Dream relaxed into the water and tilted his head back, resting on the edge of the tub.

As soon as he heard one of the stall doors open the blondes head shot up, his eyes averting over to George who was walking towards the bath, carrying his clothes in his arms.

"Where should I put this?" George asked, averting his eyes down onto the pile of clothes in his arms.

"Wherever you want," Dream said, not taking his eyes off the brunette boy.

George nodded, pressing his lips together as he walked to one certain spot in the large washroom and dropped his clothes down onto the ground before getting into the bath opposite Dream.

The two kept eye contact for a while, neither of them daring to either speak or look away, and they barely blinked.

"So," George started, his voice holding a daring tone for some reason. "Why'd you ask me to come here?"

Dream narrowed his eyes and shrugged, the same daring expression radiating of him. "I was bored."

George nodded, biting on the inside of his lip. "And that's the only thing you come up with when you're bored?"

The blonde nodded. "And what if it is?"

"You idiot, you just admitted it," George said with a slight chuckle, his expression softening and dropping the daring act.

Dream rolled his eyes with a smirk, shaking his head. "Okay, sure. Fine."

Word count: 1123


Say it back. Please. I was going to threaten you but I decided to be nice, so say hi to me.

Maybe I was boring just came on which means It's time for me to sleep.

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