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This chapter sucks, sorry 🤪

The two pulled away from their kiss, George's face carrying a small smile, Dream still cupping his hand around the shorter's jaw.

Both of their eyes were lidded and there was an apparent look of daze and satisfaction covering their expressions.

"You're blushing," George pointed out, gazing his eyes over the blonde's red and freckled cheeks.

"Shut up," Dream chuckled.

"Alright," George hummed and leaned in again, connecting their lips once again in a loving kiss.

"Okay, woah woah, get a room," a voice said in front of them, then a giggle from two other people  before there was rustling on the ground before them.

They pulled away quickly and opened their eyes, looking to the ground in shame.

"Chill, guys, we just came to congratulate you on your win, Dream."

"Thank you, Wilbur," Dream said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"No problem," Wilbur said. "So are you guys a thing, or something?"

George raised his eyebrows in shock and looked over at Dream who was still looking at the ground shamefully, ripping up random pieces of either grass or weed to try and not pay attention to whatever George would hopefully start talking about with Wilbur, Jack and Niki.

"Uhm," George hummed, looking at the ground himself since Dream wasn't saying anything, nor helping George with what to say.

"You know we do t mind if you are," Niki said. "We're completely supportive of you."

"Thanks," Dream muttered.

"So," Jack said. "Something between you?"

George tilted his head to the side, leaning it towards Dream like he wanted him to talk.

The shorter brunette nudged the blondes shoulder, trying to get him to talk. "Dream," George whispered. "Talk."

"Fine," Dream sighed and rolled his eyes, looking to the people in front of them. "Do you want me to tell them or..."

"Sure, I don't care," George muttered.

"Uhm, Jack, good job at the game yourself," Dream said.

"Thanks, man," Jack said.

"No problem," Dream hummed. "So, about the 'are we together' thing..."

"We are," George cut him off, because he knew Dream wasn't going to admit it. "Dream doesn't have the balls to say it."

"Shut up," Dream said and crossed his arms over his chest like an angry child.

Wilbur, Jack and Niki sat in front of them, watching them awkwardly as the two acted almost mad at each other.

"I think we should go," Niki mumbled, directed at Jack and Wilbur. "See you later, guys."

The three stood up and waved awkwardly before leaving, George waving them back and Dream huffed, looking to the side.

"Why are you acting like this?" George mumbled.

"I'm irritated," Dream muttered. "It's just annoying that people walk in on us like that, it's awkward."

"I know, I fucking witnessed it, I was here as well," George said. "No need to be an asshole about it."

"Sorry," Dream huffed angrily. "You don't need to be rude about it."

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