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"You look cute," Dream said, looking down at the brunette with warm eyes.

"Shut up," George said, looking away from the blonde.

Dream smiled widely as he swung his and George's hands proudly back and forth, George covering his face with his loose hand and leaning his head on Dream's shoulder.

The moments leading up to when they were sat down at a comfortable cafe were wonderful, Dream pointing out almost every single Christmas decoration he saw as the sun lowered.

Chuckles, laughs, and smiles were the only things seen and heard from the twos table near the window, Dream gasping as the sun was completely gone, causing the Christmas lights to light up the town centre.

George smiled at Dream's childish antics, like he hadn't seen it since he was a little child.

When they were little, their parents used to go with them down to the town centre, the place filled with memories.

"We should probably get going," George said after they had sat there for almost an hour and a half, the clock nearing seven pm.

"Probably," Dream agreed. "But we can still spend time together, right?"

George smiled. "Of course. What do you want to do?"

"We should go to your house," Dream said. "So my sister doesn't bother us."

"But my parents will," George said. "They're going to check on us every five minutes, you know that?"

"I don't care," Dream said. "And they probably won't, they didn't do that yesterday."

"My mum didn't even know we were together yesterday. Point not valid," George said.

"Still," Dream said. "Your house is nicer. Let's go."

"Have you paid?" George asked as Dream stood up from the table.

"Yes. Now come on," Dream said, taking a hold of George's hand and pulling him up from his chair. "It's closing soon anyways."

The bell hung up over the door rang once they left the cafe, Dream holding the brunette's hand captive in his palm.

George opened the front door to his house once they arrived, the two hanging up their coats and leaving their snow covered shoes by the front door.

"Should we go to my room?" George whispered, leaning closer to the blonde in case his parents would hear them.

Dream shrugged. "I don't mind, whatever you want," he said. "I'm actually quite hungry, not going to lie."

"Alright," George said, taking Dream's hand and leading them to the kitchen. "What do you want?"

"Just... whatever you have, I don't mind," Dream said as he sat down by the kitchen table, George walking around looking for something for them.

"What are you two doing?"

George shut the cabinet he was looking into quickly, head jerking over to his father in the doorway.

"I was looking for something to eat," George said. "Do we have anything?"

"I didn't cook dinner for more than two since you were out," Robert said, walking over to the brunette. "What do you boys want to eat? I can prepare it for you."

"Sir, you don't have to—"

"Pasta. Something simple," George requested, cutting Dream off mid sentence. "Thank you."

Robert nodded as George pulled the blonde up, pushing him out of the kitchen and up to his bedroom.


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