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Gasping for air, Dream pulled away from the kiss, staring into the brunette boy's eyes who was sitting on his laps, his legs on either side of the blonde and fingers tangled in the nest of blonde locks attached to Dream's head.

Both of them were out of breath, both of their chests falling and heaving in a steady rhythm at the same time, filling their lungs with air before leaning in for another kiss.

Dream slid his tongue into George's mouth, the shorter boy doing the same, neither of them leaving a small spot undiscovered by the other inside of each other's mouths, but having to pull away again to gain breath again.

"Dream," George mumbled as they stared into each other's eyes.

But it didn't sound like it was in front of him, it sounded... distant, almost, like from the other side of the room.

Dream brushed it off, continuing to stare into the brown eyes that didn't have glasses before them now, even though it suited George unusually well.                  

When Dream leaned in for the third time, his name got called out once again, but louder and more distant.

"Dream! Wake up!" George called, causing Dream's body to jolt awake, his eyes blinking a couple of times to gain focus again.

What confused him even more was that George was sitting on the opposite side of the bathtub to him, not on his lap, and was holding his hand against his mouth, the corners of his useless(/j) eyes wrinkled so it was obvious he was smiling.

"What?" Dream asked, visibly confused.

George removed his hands from his mouth and let out a restrained giggle before talking. "Why'd you moan in your sleep?" George giggled, having to slap his hand over his mouth to try and keep the noise of his laughter down.

"What?!" Dream shrieked, his pupils wide and jaw dropped in a state of shock. "I was asleep?!"

"And that's your concern??" George laughed, tilting his head back. "Not that you were literally moaning?!"

"Fuck you, George," Dream groaned.

George smirked, grabbing the opportunity since it was there. "You wish you could," George stated.

"I mean..." Dream said, cocking up a singular eyebrow.

George scoffed, while a smile spread across his lips. "God, you're such an idiot."

"Only for you."

George rolled his head to the side and back, Dream watching him in amusement. "Stop," the brunette groaned, a laugh escaping the taller boy's lips.

Dream hummed a 'fine' before the two relapsed into silence, neither of them speaking a word.

"What was your dream about?" George suddenly asked, startling Dream a little and causing him to choke on thin air.

"Wha- what?" he managed to stutter in between coughs, trying to gain his breath back.

"I said," George started, "'What was your dream about?'"

"Nothing," Dream said, his voice a little too rushed for it to be nothing.

"You sure? It doesn't seem like it was nothing," George teased, a slight smirk growing on his face.

"It was... just a dream..." Dream said, rubbing the back of his neck.

George nodded, the way he was nodding convincing Dream that he'd need a better excuse for fucking moaning in his dream.

"Yeah? And what happened?" George asked, the smirk on his face growing wider as Dream's face grew redder. "And don't say 'nothing', cause I'm pretty sure that I know it was about something."

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