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George lifted his hands out of the water and saw that his fingertips had started wrinkling because of it.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, resting it on the edge of the bathtub.

He was about to fall asleep when he felt the water move from its calm state, like the other person in the large tub was moving.

"What are you doing?" George asked, still resting his head on the edge of the bathtub and keeping his eyes closed.

The moving stopped but the water was still slightly moving but it had died down.

"Nothing." Dream answered.

George felt slightly unconvinced so he lifted his head up and  opened his eyes, spotting Dream a lot nearer him than the last time he had looked.

"Why did you move closer?" George asked, raising one eyebrow at the blonde.

Dream cleared his throat and looked away from George with a shameful look in his eyes.

"No reason," Dream said and looked back into George's eyes, pressing his lips together.

George nodded slowly before leaning his head back again, ignoring Dream.

They sat in silence for about a half an hour before George decided that he was too tired to stay there longer.

He raised his head back up again and opened his eyes, met with the sight of Dream doing the same thing he was previously doing.

Should he let him know or?

He decided against talking to Dream and started getting out of the bath, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Where are you going?"

George turned his head to be met with Dream, the blonde stayed in his previous position, with his eyes closed and head thrown back.

"I'm tired and I want to go to bed." George said, continuing getting out of the bathtub and walked over to where he had left his clothes in a pile, getting his towel to dry his body.

"Oh," Dream muttered.

George finished drying his body and put his clothes on, then looked at Dream.

"You can open your eyes now if you want."George said.

Dream didn't answer.

"Dream," George said again, now getting a slight hum in response, "I'm leaving, Dream."

Dream hummed in response. "See ya, george."

George nodded before bending down to pick his stuff up and leaving the prefects bathroom.

He walked through the empty halls, corridor, whatever you call it, to the ravenclaw's tower, and couldnt help but think about how fucking creepy the halls looked.

Especially with all the ghosts in the school as well, it was pretty sketchy if you think about it.

As well as the creepy ass janitor thing or whatever he was. Just... ew.

He had finally finished walking up the spiral staircase to his house's entryway, answered the question to enter the dormitory and walked inside the common room.

Suddenly he felt a wave of tiredness weave over him as he walked up to where his room was, causing his eyelids to hood slightly and his walking to get slower.

Once he had reached the door of his dorm, he laced his fingers carefully around the doorknob and opened the door quietly, as to not wake any of his roommates. (and they were roommates?)

He put his stuff down in his open trunk and went to his bed, sitting down on it.

He slipped out of his slippers and lifted his feet onto the mattress and underneath his comforter, laying his head down on his pillow.

And before he knew it, he was fast asleep, snoring quietly.


It was very quiet once George left the room, the sounds of his relaxed breaths missing.

Dream opened his eyes slowly and lifted his head back up, bringing one of his hands to the back of his neck to rub it.

He rolled his neck a couple of times to get the soreness out of it before getting out of the water and grabbing his towel.

He dried his body and put his sleepwear on, a white t-shirt and a pair of light gray sweatpants.

He picked up his previous wear and slung his towel over his shoulder before leaving the room and walking to the slytherin dormitory.


Dream got woken up once again by Quackity and Jack with them slapping him in the face with their pillows.

"Oh my fuckingn lord!" Dream yelled, covering his head with his arms to protect himself, "Leave me alone!"

"Wake up then!" Quackity yelled as Jack was on the verge of passing away from laughter.

Dream sat up on his bed and grabbed his own pillow swinging it at the boys to try and hit them as well, causing Jack and Quackity to shriek and jump away from him.

"Sheeeesh!" Jack yelled, standing up on his own bed and pointed a finger gun to his inner elbow of his other arm as Dream chased the raven haired boy around the room.

"Shit up, Manifold, and help me!" Quackity shrieked as the blonde caught a grip on his beanie and pulled it off of his head. "NO! My beanie!"

Quackity covered his hair with his hands to prevent the other two from seeing, Jack rolling on his bed in a laughing fit as Dream had to bend over to try and catch his breath from wheezing so hard.

"Shut up!" Quackity yelled, "This isn't funny!"

As he finished his sentence he burst out in laughter himself, falling onto the floor.

The three finally regain their composure when they realised they only had ten minutes left of their breakfast, Jack and Quackity rushing out of their dorm room to get food.

"We'll get something for you, Dream!" Quackity called as he and Jack ran out together, leaving Dream by himself to get ready.

Dream sighed happily and got his clothes from his trunk, putting them on in a hurry.

Before he left he rushed to slip into his shoes and sling his backpack over his shoulder before running out of the room, fixing his tie as he ran through the corridors and to the great hall.

Word count: 1013

If you thought you'd be getting a longer chapter, you are wrong. I'll try to update more frequently but rn I'm focusing on 'you touched my heart' so yeah.

Also, if any of you don't know I published a new story the other day called 'poor George', it's up on my profile if you want to read it :)

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