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He was on cloud nine. He never wanted this feeling to leave his body.

As George walked to the ravenclaw dormitory he couldn't stop thinking about his and Dream's moment in the prefect's bathrooms.

Sooner than he noticed, he had arrived inside the dormitory and was almost outside the doors of the room he and the other year six boys slept in.

He opened the door carefully, trying not to wake up anyone that was already inside the room, the three others seeming to be peacefully sleeping.

The brunette closed the door as quietly as possible, cringing at the unnecessary loud creaking noise the wooden door made, causing the bodies lying in their beds to shuffle around a bit.

George winced slightly but sighed of relief when the door was completely closed and started walking to his own bed, only getting halfway when he heard even more shuffling from one of the beds.

Wilbur's bed, to be exact.

"Where were you?" Wilbur whispered just as he had sat up.

"Uhm," the shorter boy stuttered, trying to come up with a worthy excuse. "I was just... taking a bath. Yes, I was taking a bath."

He technically was... so it was kind of a white lie. He just kept out the part where him and Dream basically made out, but that was for the best.

Wilbur hummed. "So you were alone?"

"Yeah," George rushed, his face becoming flaming red of colour, the shorter boy trying to hide his blush that was spreading across his face, even though Wilbur couldn't see it. "Alone, yes. All alone."

"Hmm, okay," Wilbur muttered. "Well, I'm going to get some sleep. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," George said and lay down on his own canopy bed, thankfully not having to change his clothes since he brought clean spare ones when he went to meet Dream.

It took some time of tossing and turning, he finally managed to fall into a relaxed sleep.


Dream woke up the next morning forcefully, Quackity woke him up. Of course.

"Ugh, leave me alone," Dream mumbled, grabbing his pillow from underneath his head and pushing it down on his face. "I just want to sleep."

"It's 9am, you've slept for long enough," Quackity said and fell back onto his back on his own bed. "Get up, I'm hungry."

Dream sighed into the pillow before taking it off of his face, putting it down on the bed beside him. "Fine," he sighed and sat up. "Go ahead and wait in the common room if you want."

The black haired boy nodded and sat up as well before standing up and leaving Dream alone in the room. "Be quick," Quackity said before closing the door, leaving the blonde in the silent bedroom.

Dream stood up from his bed slowly, taking his time. The actual opposite of what Quackity had asked him to do.

After around fifteen minutes, Dream walked out of the room, thankfully dressed and ready for the day.

"Thank fuck! You're here! Finally," Quackity sighed and stood up as the blonde walked up to him.

"Why'd you wake me up so early anyways?" Dream whined as the two walked through the corridors of the castle.

"We're going to breakfast, then I'm hanging out with Karl and Sap," Quackity said. (I have no clue when the breakfast hours end sorryy😩🤚)

"Ugh, fine," Dream groaned. "But what am I supposed to do then?"

The shorter looked up at Dream with a sly smirk. "Maybe you and George could do something, I don't know."

"Ah," Dream huffed. "You set this up, didn't you."

"Maybe," Quackity shrugged and grinned as they sat down opposite each other at the slytherin dining table.

"Honestly fuck you, man," Dream scoffed as he put food on his plate, earning a small giggle from the shorter.


George sat down by the hufflepuffs table with Sapnap and Karl, waiting for the two to finish eating.

"What are you two doing today?" George asked.

The two eyed each other, both lent over their plates as they ate. They broke eye contact and Karl cleared his throat after he had swallowed his food.

"We're hanging out with Quackity," Karl said. "Sorry."

"It's fine," George assured, smiling softly. "I'll find something else to do."

Sapnap smirked. "Hah, yeah you will."

"Oh my- shut up!" George chuckled and shoved Sapnap's shoulder, the other two laughing as well.

Karl and Sapnap finally finished eating, the three stood up and walked out of the great hall, accidentally but not bumping into Quackity and Dream.

"Oh, hey guys," Quackity said.

"Hi!" Karl beamed. Then there was quite awkward silence.

"Uhm, we could just go now if that's fine with you two..." Sapnap suggested, pointing at Dream and George to get their answer since Quackity and Karl had already agreed.

"Yeah, sure," George muttered and the three left, leaving Dream and George together in silence.

"So uhm..." Dream started. "You want to do something? Since they left and all."

"Sure," George said and looked up to lock eyes with the blonde boy. "What do you want to do?"

Dream hummed lowly as he thought. "Want to go on a date?" he then asked, catching George off guard.

"I- uh-" George stuttered as warm blush spread over both of their faces. "Okay. Yeah, so like, a date date?"

Dream nodded with a soft smile. "Yes, a date date," Dream assured. "See you in fifteen by the whomping willow, alright."

George nodded as the blonde started walking away, a small smile tugging on his lips as he rushed to his own house himself.

And a little less than fifteen minutes later, the two of them were both rushing out of the castle to get to the tree in time so neither of them would have to wait, resulting in George accidentally running into Dream's body as he rushed out.

"Oh, sorry-"

"Dream?" George cut the blonde off.


George nodded and the two stared at each other for a second before Dream started talking. "Should we get going?"

"Sure," the brunette said before Dream took his hand and led him out of the castle, George allowing himself to get pulled around by the blonde.

George honestly regretted his moves when he was younger, deciding to unfriend Dream.

But what's done is done.

Then the two didn't talk for almost six years, and now they were going on a date?

How the times change.

Word count: 1069

Just another motherfuckboy 😩🖕

Also sorry for disappearing. I'll do it again, mf.

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