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It was now the first quidditch game of the season, a long awaited moment for all of the students.

The first match of the season would be gryffindor versus slytherin.

George had originally planned on going to cheer Dream on since the two were now on... alright terms, but also to cheer Sapnap on since they were best friends.

Karl and George had decided together, but hadn't really talked about it, it was more like it had just been set in silence that the two were going together, not just to cheer for Dream and Sapnap but Quackity as well.

Can't forget him.

So there the two sat on the stands on a Saturday morning, waiting for the players to enter the field.

"Are you rooting for gryffindor or slytherin?" Karl asked George, nudging the shorter's shoulder.

"I don't know," George said, he hadn't really thought about it. "Probably... Dream, wait-"

"Oh my gosh, George," Karl giggled. "Dream isn't a team, idiot."

George chuckled awkwardly, covering his face with his hands in slight embarrassment.

"But, for real," Karl said. "Are you two like... together?"

The shorter looked down on his lap, fidgeting with his fingers as his cheeks tinted pink. "I mean..." George mumbled. "No? I don't think so."

"Oh," Karl mumbled.

Even though for the last two to three weeks Dream and George had been getting a lot closer again, they had gone on two dates and hung out a lot together, both with and without Quackity, Karl and Sapnap.

They had also kissed again a couple of times, sometimes going a little further than just kissing but not very far.

George liked Dream, a lot, and was almost sure that the feelings were reciprocated but still, he wasn't a hundred percent sure.

He'd have to ask Dream about it soon. If the blonde wouldn't beat him to it.

"George," Karl said, snapping his fingers in front of George's eyes to try and gain his attention. "They're entering the field.

George nodded, averting his eyes over the field to see their friends enter, flying on their brooms.

The two cheered for the teams as they flew onto the field, waving the crowd and showing some of their skills, the ones that didn't result in them hurting themselves.

They both cheered extra loudly when Dream, Quackity and Sapnap entered the field, the three of them all taking special time to wave Karl and George.

The players on the field got ready in their positions and the game started before the blink of an eye.


Before they knew it, Quackity had caught the snitch, beating Sapnap to it, causing the game to end.

George and Karl were waiting outside the arena for their friends to come back, making small conversation as they waited.

"WOOO!!" Dream and Quackity cheered as they came out from the dressing rooms.

"Good job! Congratulations!" George said and clapped, getting pulled into a hug by Dream before he could even know it.

"Congrats!" Karl giggled, high-fiving Quackity.

"Shut up, we get it," Sapnap grunted as he walked out of the separate dressing room with a grumpy look on his face.

"Come on, Sappy," Karl said, patting Sapnap on his back to try and cheer him up. "I'll give you a little kiss to cheer you up."

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