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The complete silence of the room was peaceful, keeping the brunette boy asleep.

His chest heaved as he took a deep breath in his sleep, turning onto his other side.

The second he fell onto his other side, he woke up, his eyes fluttering open slowly.

The boy's eyes squinted due to the change of light, letting out a shaky breath as he tried to make out the blurry room.

He pulled the duvet up to his chin, pulling his legs closer to his chest.

After some time staying like that, George pushed the duvet off his body and sat up and put his glasses on, putting his hands behind him to hold himself up.

Suddenly the door opened, George's eyes widening in surprise at seeing Wilbur standing in the doorway, holding something in one of his hands.

"Afternoon," Wilbur said, walking up to George's bed and put a plate of food on the shorter one's bed stand. "Went to talk to the house elf's, to get you some food, my man."

George nodded. "Thank you."

"No problem, mate," Wilbur said. "Also, some weird thing happened this morning with Dream and Theo. Theo was yelling at Dream in the great hall and stuff, and ended up with Theo punching Dream."

The darker haired brunette furrowed his eyebrows, taking a bite out of his food. "Why? And is Dream okay?"

Wilbur shrugged. "I don't know why and Dream is okay I'm pretty sure, he got taken to the hospital wing but I'm pretty sure he's good now. Wait, he is, I saw him in the great hall at lunch."

"Well," George said, mouth stuffed. "That's good at least."

Wilbur nodded, looking over to his side as he fell backwards onto George's bed, putting his hands on his face.

"Are you going to come to the next class?" Wilbur asked. "It's with the slytherins."

George rolled his eyes as he smiled when Wilbur elbowed him in the side and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I don't know," George said unsurely with a shrug. "Maybe."

"What do you mean "maybe"?!" Wilbur said in fake offence, pushing George's arm. "Come on, man, don't leave Dream hanging like that."

George bit his lip, stomach sinking at the mention of the blonde. He shrugged, putting his now empty plate on the bed stand again, staring dully at the floor.

"You alright, George?" Wilbur asked, raising his head slightly to see George's face. "Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if I hit a spot."

"No, it's fine," George said, brushing Wilbur off. "You didn't say anything wrong, you're fine."

Wilbur let out a breath of relief. "Good. But are you and Dream on alright terms?"

George nodded. "Sure... or I think so, at least, I hope so."

"The class probably starts in a bit, so you've got to make your decision," Wilbur said. "Staying here or coming to class."

The shorter tilted his head to the side, weighing his options. "Wait, you did tell the teachers why I didn't attend their lesson, right?"

"Of course I did!" Wilbur said. "But now, come on, class or not? Dream or not?"

"Oh, shut up," George chuckled, slapping Wilbur's hand. "...fine. I'll come to class. Just give me a minute to get dressed."

Wilbur nodded, sitting back up with a proud smile on his face. "Yess!" he cheered, standing up and heading out of the door. "I'll wait in the common room."

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