Chapter 27: Remind me to not to get on your bad side 2/5

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Jake sat at an unfamiliar bus stop, Sunghoon stood with him, trying to give the impression he was studying the route map whilst simultaneously catching glances across the street. They were spying on Yun, who sat alone at a booth in a coffee shop.

Yun had spoken with Yongsoon at lunch time, who had then texted Donghyun something to-the-effect of 'An older girl likes you'. Jake wondered if Donghyun was so full of himself  that this 'interest' seemed remotely believable. Maybe it was his fathers wealth that gave him that confidence because it certainly wasn't his appearance. While Jake didn't consider himself an expert on guys, he was confident that Donghyun was not attractive. Jake regarded Dongyhun before turning his gaze to his friend standing next to him. Compared to Sunghoon, Donghyun was like a hairless rat next to a manicured peacock. 'Perhaps it was an unfair comparison' thought Jake, as Sunghoon was aggressively good looking.

Donghyun had being so excited about the prospect of being subject to a girl's interest that he had wanted to meet Yun right away. Yongsoon had exchanged their numbers and now they were had scheduled to meet for coffee.

"Haven't you got figure skating practice? I can fill you in on what we find later" Jake asked.

Turning upon hearing the question, "It's alright, I can stay for a few more minutes - I just want to wait to see if he arrives" Sunghoon said, taking a seat next to Jake.

"You care about it this much?"

"Well, as much as I don't like Yongsoon..."

"Ha, ha, I'm glad you finally said it" Jake interrupted

"Wasn't it kinda obvious?"

"Yes, very."

Sunghoon laughed at his friend's ability to see through him before continuing, "but I owe it to Heeseung to get this right. I don't want to throw around accusations, you know?"

"Yeah. Still,  I don't want you to be late - I'll tell you what happens later when we're at The Rink. You're teaching me again right?"

Jake noticed a smile grow across Sunghoon's face. "Of course! I've been looking forward to it all weekend."

"Looking forward to it all weekend?" Jake asked, intrigued as to the importance.

And awkward pause fell over Sunghoon who's cheeks blushed. "Oh, damn, I misread the time. I've got to go. See you later Jaeyun' he said before running off in the direction of the ice rink. Jake smiled at his flustered friend. Sunghoon's duality was funny to Jake - cool and confident one moment and then shy and panicked the next. As Jake mused why Sunghoon had become flustered he noticed a uniformed boy enter the coffee shop, Donghyun.

Jake watched the scene unfold in front of him. At their play rehearsals and in literature classes it was apparent that Yun was a confident actress. She seemed comfortable taking on the role of any character. Part of Jake could not help but smile stupidly as he watched her feign interest in Donghyun. To anyone who was unaware of Yun's goal they would have believed she was smitten with him.

After ten minutes Jake decided that he was getting bored of watching. He took a photo of them for his own amusement before getting up and going to the shop. After ordering a drink a sat himself down with Yun and Donghyun. Sitting on the side of the boy to box him in and prevent any attempt of escape.

"Who... who are you?" Donghyun asked, his voice cracked as Jake's arrival unsettled him. His expressions and mannerisms had changed from the braggart who had been trying to impress Yun into nervous mess, intimidated by a superior male, in a matter of moments.

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