Chapter 26: Sick.

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She grits her teeth, "You must be deaf, he has clearly talked about me." She replied, "If I'm deaf, then you must be dumb. Why would my husband, who's happily married to me, think about another lowly woman?" You asked, "How dare you call me lowly! I'm a Duchess!" She shouts, "I'm also a Duchess, we have the same rank. And I didn't mean the ranks, I meant intelligence. Which you clearly don't have." you simply replied. Daki tried to hold in her laughter while the dressmaker watched the drama unfold. 

'She should apply ice for that burn...' the dressmaker thought.

"It was fun conversing with you, but I have other things to attend to." You told her, "Put the price of this dress on my tab." You added, the dressmaker nodded. Both of you soon left, 'Tsk... She'll pay for what she had done..!' Ivona thought, enraged. 

-Time Skip- 

You were enjoying your tea time at the garden, after what happened back at the shop, you knew people would create bad rumours about you, but you didn't care. Why would you filter and sugarcoat your words for someone who was clearly slandering you?

She was the type of person you hated the most, entitled, two faced, and most of all, trying to take something that isn't theirs. You only had met her but you could already tell what kind of personality she had. "Duchess." Daki spoke out, you turned to her. She soon gave you a letter, "What is this?" You asked. 

"Its an invitation from the king." she replied, "The king is holding a party celebration for his daughter, Princess Tamayo." She added. You soon read the letter, the date was two months from now, "Hmm... I'll attend." You told her. "I wonder what Muzan is doing right now..." You mumbled, and soon, a painful headache attacked you. 

You hissed in pain, "Duchess!" Daki spoke out and was about to run up to you but you stopped her, "No, it's alright, there's no need to worry-" You were cut off as soon as you felt like puking. "ANYONE! CALL A DOCTOR!!" Daki shouted. 

-Muzan's POV- 

"I'll look for a coachman." Kokushibo says, we were about to head home. I had just finished going through a meeting that gave me a fucking headache. I nodded and soon I was left alone with Akaza. I soon heard the ladies gossiping, "Did you know?? Duchess Kibutsuji is actually a slut? I heard she seduced the Duke just for him to marry her." A woman gossiped, "Oh really? I heard that she was two faced." the other woman commented, I turned to them and gave them a glare. 

"What gives you the right to talk badly about my wife?" I spoke out, The noble ladies soon went pale and ran away, "Akaza, investigate from which house they came from."I commanded him. He nodded his head, soon I heard a familiar female voice. 

"Muzan~" I turned around to see, Ivona... Of course, I remember that poisonous voice. "I didn't think I would also meet you here." She giggled, "Would you like to accompany me?" She added, "Thank you, but I'll have to decline." I told her while giving her a business smile. 

"Aww come on Muzan, for old times sake?" Ivona says while trying to grab my arm, I pushed her away, "Don't address me by my first name, only my loving wife can do that. We're not lovers anymore Duchess, I hope you get it through your thick skull." I spoke out, harshly. If I beat around the bush, she would only bother me more. 

"Duke, the carriage has arrived." Akaza spoke out, I nodded and soon both of us left. 

-Your POV- 

My eyes flutter open, I let out a groan as I sat up, "D-Duchess..." Daki stuttered while crying, "Whats wrong..? What happened..?" I asked, did I have some sort of illness?! "I... I..." She soon started sobbing, "I'll take it from here." The female doctor spoke out, I turned to her, "Is there something wrong with my body? Am I sick?" I asked. The doctor shook her head. 

"No, but congratulations." I raised an eyebrow, "You're pregnant."

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