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Warm kisses. That's all June ever want to feel from Muzan.

Instead she felt cold hands wrap around her neck, squeezing her vocal chords. The small, tight gasps that left her lips were silent around the room and he began squeezing harder.  She felt like her head was about to explode, her feet going numb as well as the rest of her body. She couldn't feel nothing else besides his sharp fingernails & cold hands, everything else was nonexistent.

All he saw was red, a brighter red than the blood he spills on a daily. He couldn't sustain his anger at his wife anymore, this was the only way he could express his feelings with June. Muzan towered over the rest of her body, locking in her arms while her legs would occasionally frail & kick his back. She was struggling against his might so much but he was just too powerful for her.

"You did this! You bitch!" His red eyes glared at her, tears streaming down her face. Muzan could see the color fading away from her face, heartbeat slowing down as his grip tightened. He knew that soon she would be dead, and then he'll take his kids away from the human world forever. Once he had their control, there's no way they would ever rebel against him ever again.

His plan was almost complete.

"Poor June," he taunted with a wife smirk as no more noises began to leave her lips, "Forever weak person you are. I applaud you for always trying to stay strong, but now I'll toast you for lasting this long period with me. I'll never forget it."

The kicks & gasps stopped, June's eyes were slowly closing and Muzan got off the woman. Blood began to drip out of her nose because of her popped veins, staining the floor as her head fell to the side.

"Have fun in the afterlife. I won't be there anytime soon."

And her heart stopped.

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