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"japanese crimson maple leaves"

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"japanese crimson maple leaves"

Squeezing the white cloth and draining the water out, Hope places it on her elder brother's head as he sleeps peacefully. The boy hadn't slept or eaten for the longest time, and he had a painful recovery. The medicine man had told the heartbreaking news of what her father had did to Danki. Her uncle wasn't planning on telling their mother anytime soon because she needed time to process everything that was happening. So for the time being, Danki's injuries were kept a secret.

Danki's injuries consisted of jaw being fractured, the hyoid bone being severely damaged, he had 3 broken ribs, he strained his ankle and his stomach muscles were damaged as well. That was all of the official injuries that were noticeable to the medicine men besides bleeding and head pain. These injuries were obviously very serious and the boy could've died if it weren't for his demonic side helping his body heal in the process. But this process has been painfully slow for the boy and he's been too exhausted to even get up or talk.

Obviously, June had no idea what to do. June was in a place where she was extremely low and everything was going downhill. Nothing was helping, nothing could have helped this widowed mother when her son could be dying in this very moment. "No," she said, shaking her head in disbelief. "Danki is not going to die. I'll never allow that to happen."

Checking one last time to Hope attending her brother, June heads to her brother's garden of vegetables and flowers. She picks out tomatoes and cabbage leaves to prepare for the supper in hopes that Danki will eat it without having too much pain.

June is about to leave when her eyes catch the glimpse of the pink flowers, trying to sprout out their roots. The flowers immediately remind her of her ex-husband.

"Pink suits you."

"Oh really?" She questions him with a light chuckle and he nods his head with a smile. "You're serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He picks out the pink flower, careful to not get the dirt on him or her. "Mind if I put it there?" He points to the hair behind her ear. June nods with red cheeks and Muzan gives her a light smile.

His cold hands brush her hot ear as the earthly pink body is hardly visible in the moonlight. June stares at his face as he looks concentrated on getting the flower just perfect in her hair. Once he's done, he chuckles and she mutters a "thank you."

"Don't mention it. I believe you could be beautiful either way, maybe even more in the sunlight instead of this darkness." They both chuckle and then June leans over to his side more as the cool air rushes past.

"Maybe one day."

"I hate myself for saying that." June mutters to herself in a groan of the midnight talks they would have.

June signs, why was she thinking about him? She was acting as if she weren't the one who said they shouldn't be together anymore and here she was, thinking about him.

"God get a grip June." She places the basket of vegetables on the floor, checking once more of her son. "God help my son."

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